Has this ever happened to you?

Home Forums Questions – Archives Has this ever happened to you?

This topic contains 15 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  straity 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #716916

    OK! Every now and then I’ll get on and post a new question and you say if it’s ever happened to you! First up! Have you ever gotten a 90% off coupon for the W shop? I got one a few days ago.

    1. #726364


      have you ever had problem logging on or with “please wait” on deluxe accounts but regular accounts in SAME HOUSE are running just fine?? Our family been experiencing this since Thursday

    2. #726194


      have you ever misspelt your username and password and wound up on your sisters account? it happened to me once. you see, we adopted are pets at the same time and made are usernames and apparently passwords very similar.

    3. #725882


      I won a grill.Nothing intresting though

    4. #722539

      Yes I got it once so I got an exclusive item. Only on one of my accounts and it happened a number of years ago. #wishingwell2

    5. #719578

      Yeah. I got a Medieval Canopy Tent. It felt AWESOME. I’ve won two quick draws in my lifetime, but this was better than that.

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