Having prblems with the new "playtime with ‘my pet’" challenge

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Having prblems with the new "playtime with ‘my pet’" challenge

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  GreenSecret 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #777522


    On the second stage of the challenge, I have now bought 3 TV’s and watched eight shows and it still does not say that I have completed that stage, any ideas why?

    1. #778475


      Thank you to everyone who solved my problem, though I feel fairly “duh” for not figuring it out on my own! Webkinz members are SSSOOO helpful !!

    2. #778209

      According to Ganz, they said to make sure you click on the Power button on the remote before watching. Hope this helps and you get through your challenge. ~MORHB~

    3. #778230


      I had trouble with that too. Try pressing on the power button a few times after watching a show(it worked for me).

    4. #778240


      You just have to power the tv on. :D I had troubles too. ~*Hakuna Matata*~

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