Heartfelt Thanks & New Year Best Wishes

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Heartfelt Thanks & New Year Best Wishes

This topic contains 20 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Elizabeh 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #845574


    To all my wonderful WW friends, a great big “Thank-You”, for all the challenges help; for notes and party invitations; and for awesome, staggering and unexpected presents!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR FRINDSHIPS. You have all made my first Webkinz year extraordinary!! May you all be BLESSED with a healthy, prosperous and peaceful new year. Special thanks to THE Webkinz fairy godmother and all the special helpers – BECKY, DOGFISH and MOMOFREDHEADBOYS. You are incredible! Warm, furry Webkinz hugs to all! Your Friend(s) NoOnesFriend/ Charlestonian

    1. #845905


      SOMEONE SENT ME A RED E-STORE DRESS!!!!! Sooo lovely! Thank you, Thank you!!! Truffle is wearing it now! :)

      • #846339


        Hey MOM did you beat me to that??? LOL DF I sent on to noone, LOL Need more LMK

        • #846772


          DF, hi. I do not understand your post above! Did you send me the dress, or was it MOM, or someone else? I had been wishing for one, and lo & behold, it suddenly appeared!! It is soo pretty, and I love it. Thanks a bunch, to you, or to whomever played “Santa”.

          • #847959


            HI Elizabeth, I think Mom sent the one to Elizabeth, I sent one to noonesfriend, if you do WF on face book, I do have some extra codes,If you need more dresses, LMK Mom and I both were sending them out to forum friends. Have a great day, DF

            • #852149


              Okay, ~MOM~, and dogfish, I’m confused! You both say you sent me a dress, but I only received one dress, on NoOnesFriend account. That is my user name, and Elizabeh (no T ) is my member name. Charlestonian is both member/user name for other account. Sounds as if one of you may have inadvertantly sent a dress to someone else. I am NOT asking for another dress, just wanted to let you know that one may have gone astray. Thank-you, both, in any case. Dogfish, thanks for offer of code(s) or items, or whatever, but I do not participate in/on facebook.

        • #848112

          Yep that was me :P lol Glad you like it. ~MORHB~

    2. #845904


      oops! Friendships!

    3. #845888


      Hi Elizabeth, if you don’t mind can I also thank some people. I would like to thank DF, Lamb, Mom, Mark, Jami, Gold, Snow, HeyitsGlits, and JesusismyLord to make my first year and a half so amazingly fun. If it weren’t for you, webkinz wouldn’t be as much fun as it is. Hugs to you all! Thanks so much for helping me and teaching me so many new things. I enjoy talking to you all, thanks for all the help, trading, party invites, notes, spectacular gifts, kindness, prayers. and everything that you do. You helped me create many memories. ROFL to everyone. This is Atomton’s special meaning, River of Flowing Love. Thanks everyone!-Atom

    4. #845870


      Friend me on WW!

    5. #845855


      Thank you Elizabeth. It is nice to know I haven’t been forgotten since I stepped away from being the WFGM. I always enjoy helping out awesome people like you. :)

      • #845932

        Hi Becky, long time, no see. Just wanted to say Hi. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. ~MORHB~

        • #846982


          Thanks I did and hope you did as well. And thank you for the Christmas gift. Hope you liked what I had sent you. :)

      • #846395


        Becky, so good to hear from you; of course, I have not forgotten you!! YOU’RE THE TOP!!! :) I did not know you had stepped away from the godmother position, as this is really my first foray back onto the forums, for many months. I hope you are well, and happy. I still intend to send you the very 1st Neon Tutu I get my paws on!! HUGS, Becky! ♥♥♥

        • #846983


          Thanks that is sweet of you to say. Looking forward to that Tutu. :) Yes, I had to step down. Kids were getting rude with me. Well I assume they were kids, could have been adults, who knows. Hugs to you too. :)

          • #847246


            Yes special thanks to DF, Mom. Lamb, Gold, JesusismyLord, and Becky. You are all so amazingly nice and inspiring. Thanks for being so kind, I enjoy talking to you all. Your friend. :) _ATOM

            • #847247


              Thanks everyone for being so kind. Your friend. :) _ATOM

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