Heartfelt Thanks & New Year Best Wishes

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Heartfelt Thanks & New Year Best Wishes

This topic contains 20 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Elizabeh 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #845574


    To all my wonderful WW friends, a great big “Thank-You”, for all the challenges help; for notes and party invitations; and for awesome, staggering and unexpected presents!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR FRINDSHIPS. You have all made my first Webkinz year extraordinary!! May you all be BLESSED with a healthy, prosperous and peaceful new year. Special thanks to THE Webkinz fairy godmother and all the special helpers – BECKY, DOGFISH and MOMOFREDHEADBOYS. You are incredible! Warm, furry Webkinz hugs to all! Your Friend(s) NoOnesFriend/ Charlestonian

    1. #845931

      Thanks Elizabeh for the warm thoughts. I hope 2014 will be a great year for you and your family. This is the reason some of us do what we do. Helping each other out should be something more people do, not only in WW but in real life too. It is a great feeling to know you’ve helped someone, no matter how little the deed may seem to the helper, it is a huge gift to the receiver. Have a great 2014 everyone! Glad to have “friends” like you. ~MORHB~

      • #846227


        Thanks Elizabeth, please insert everything MOM said here. I could not have said it any better. Happy 2014 to you all, Chloe

      • #846396


        “MOM”, you are welcome, and THANK _YOU_. You are so right, in what you said; it’s all about Agape love. A helping hand, a kind word, maybe just a smile, might make all the difference in some one’s day, or even their life. May we each be a shining light this year. ♥♥♥

        • #850441


          Totally agape love, not eros or philos. That would be strange! LoL. Anyways, Happy Late New Year everybody!

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