Hobbit/Lord of the Rings themed room

Home Forums Suggestions – Archives Hobbit/Lord of the Rings themed room

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  hp7part2 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #842978

    Anybody like the idea of that??? I like Smaug!!!

    1. #853353

      I love the Hobbit! My band is playing it! :D ~HappyHerbivore :D

    2. #852186

      I need a strange hobbit/elf/dwarf name for my girl Poofy poodle :mrgreen: :D :) (that doesn’t sound too strange, and matches her, my first idea was Arwen, but looking for other ideas, so if y’all have any please let me know) thanks, JesusismyLord

    3. #846909

      I’d love that, but since they’d have to get permission, do you have any suggestions? I have a koala named Gimli and I still need a room for him. (I can’t wait to see the new Hobbit, I’m going on Wednesday yay, I just finished the book and it was good.) I am still hoping to get more pets like a dragon and name it Smaug, a Schnauzer named Gandalf, (lol) some pet to name Hobbit, and some pet to name Bilbo (ya I’m obsessed as you can see)

      • #847727

        I know right LOL

      • #849389

        Me too! SO naming my Pug Smaug!!!!

        • #852960

          Now THAT is a perfect (and perfectly hilarious but awesome) name for your pug. What about Smeagol the seagull? :MRGREEN: :d :) :p ;) (or since there is no seagull, ( :cry: :| :( :oops: ) a pelican maybe?)

    4. #844053


      I like it, but wouldn’t Ganz have to buy permission from the makers of that movie?

      • #844553

        I think so, because it’s copyright.

      • #845605

        They could rip it off, make something similar without the brand name!!!! They could also get the rights, they did it for Jessie, and the snow white movie.

    5. #843232


      Cool! I’d like to have that room!

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