Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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    1. #2566118


      Finally it is Friday & I wanted to get a message in before heading out for strength training. Roxy, I have thought about you every day praying you are getting better as each day passes. And Frankie, I hope you had a fabulous time with family this week. Netg sent me a note to say a room design of mine is featured on the 22nd & I was excited to see how quick it took to be included. It was only a matter of maybe 2 months, I think, when I sent it in. Many thanks F & B with your guidance on how to do it. Never could I have done it without you both…much appreciated! Love & BIG Hugs, B

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    2. #2565634


      Hi R and B just jumping in to say hi, and check up on Roxy. How are you? Hope you are feeling better and getting stronger. I have been thinking of you and saying prayers that you are feeling better with each day. I am out of town like I told B, and will have to miss tonight’s park chat, but had to jump on here to see if everything is ok with you both. Hope to catch up next week, Big Hugs, and Lots of Love to you both:) F

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    3. #2565268


      Hi, B and F…Just wanted to update you to let you know that I went to the doctor’s office on Monday to get a medical excuse for my absence at work and was tested for COVID while there. The test was positive, so that’s what I’ve had for the last couple of weeks. In the four plus years that COVID has been around, I’ve never gotten it before, but now with the two hospital stays in February and April, my system has been so completely run down and vulnerable since that time that I’m not all that surprised. The worst thing is that I haven’t actually eaten anything for these last two weeks (tried last Wednesday, but it came back up a couple of hours later) and the thought of food just made me really ill, so all I’ve managed to do is exist on liquids (which, in, turn, has caused diarrhea). Now I’m so weak and lightheaded that I can’t even function, but I’m trying to start with eating some saltine crackers and then will introduce some bananas if I manage to keep the crackers down. Can’t taste or smell anything, though, so that doesn’t help. Anyway, the bout of COVID, itself, hasn’t been bad like I always feared it would be (continued below)

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      • #2565270


        (continued) It’s seemed more like something between a cold and mild flu, so I’m grateful for that part of it. I’m more concerned with my kitties having been around me all this time and am praying very hard that they didn’t pick up the virus (so far, no signs). Looks like it will be a while longer before I can meet for our chat, but just wanted to let you know how very much I’ve missed you both. And, F, I’m so thrilled that you were able to get the slide…that’s wonderful news!!! Did you finally get the red dishwasher, too? I thought I read that someone had one for you. I don’t have the strength to be on here as much right now, but I’ve been checking the forums when I’m able. B, I’m so glad to hear that you had a lovely Mother’s Day weekend with your family…Sounds like it was a wonderful time!!! Wearing out now, so I’ll check in with you again soon. Huge Hugs and Lots of Love to You Both ~ Roxy <3

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        • #2565310


          Oh my gosh Roxy, I have had a sick feeling in my stomach that you were not doing well. I am so sorry to hear that my feeling was correct;( You have been through so many health issues that adding COVID on top of everything is just to much. I feel helpless and wish I could help. The main thing is just like you are doing which is trying to rest and get your strength back. We miss you too but want nothing more than for you to take care of yourself and do whatever you can to get better and stronger… Yes, our wonderful forum friend Pearl sent me the Red dishwasher, and Bekah traded for the Spring Celebration Slide for me. I am so thrilled to add these items to my room. Healing Prayers, and Lots and Lots of Big Hugs, and Love. Frankie

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        • #2565620


          My dear Roxy, I hope you are feeling a little bit better since last week. I have thought about you all weekend long wondering if family/friends have been able to help tending to your needs. Extreme tiredness seems to be one of the main symptoms & with your previous hospital stays, continuing to work…left you vulnerable creating an open window to catch anything. The fatigue will gradually go away in time. Focus on your recovery as your health is the most important thing. And only when you are up to it, let us know when you are ready to meet up in Kinzville Park. Love & BIG BIG BIG Hugs, B

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        • #2566068


          Hello ladies. I had a gut feeling to check the forums. Is it OK that I post a message here? Roxy, my Significant Other has had very similar health challenges. There are treatments for your illness. If you have taken antibiotics, it can throw your digestive system into turmoil. That means you may need to take “probiotics” to get your digestive system back to normal. My Significant Other is taking Culturelle Probiotics. It is available “over the counter” in the USA It must be taken at a different time than antibiotics. They don’t get along with each other. Please consult with your Primary Care Physician to see if this might help you. You will be in my prayers. Get well soon! AuntietoEW

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          • #2566120


            AuntietoEW…certainly it is okay for you to send a message here. I am a believer in homeopathic medicine & yes, probiotics do help the digestive system. Hope all is well with you ~ hugs, bananasbw

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          • #2566136


            Absolutely it is OK for you to post here. We love seeing our friends on this page. The only reason we post messages here is to make sure they are seen. The other part of the forum gets buried so quickly, plus it NEVER loads for me, and can get very frustrating. You and anyone else is always welcome here. I just got back from out of town and had limited computer access;( First thing I did was to check in on this page, and I was hoping to hear from Roxy and how she is doing… I have been worried about her and her health issues on top of health issues. It is so kind of you to post some information that may help her. It’s always good to know what others have experienced. Hope you are doing well, and let me know if you need anything I can help with. Big Hugs, F

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    4. #2565046


      Good morning, B, so nice to catch up with you:) I think I solved the problem of getting kicked out of WW. I guess finding a room with better wifi is the solution:) At least I hope that is all. Thank you for the lamps, I have them in my card collector room. Those where a few of the items I was missing from the theme, so I am grateful that you have relieved from the dreaded WHEEL stress lol. Let me know if you need anything ever:) Hi R, missed you and thinking of you hoping you are doing okay, and not feeling bad again or under to much stress from work:( Just want you to know how much I think of you and pray you are well:) Take care of yourself and Lots of Love and Hugs to you both:) F

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    5. #2564666


      Hi B, Guess what I got??? YES!!! The Spring Celebration Slide:) Bekah made the trade for me and you were so right:) It was the Dispenser that I trade for that they wanted. Thank you for telling me about it and the name so I was able to trade for it. I had no idea without your help and insight. I was so excited to finally get the slide and it is perfect in my room. Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day Weekend. Big Hugs F

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      • #2564716


        OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is AMAZING! I am so thrilled this worked out for everyone involved & what a GREAT trade. You will definitely have to submit your room when it is completed. I had a lovely weekend going to my daughters on Saturday. My granddaughter, her & I went shopping at this large mall where she lives but first, picking up a drink from Starbucks, Yum. Later we went for dinner then relaxed back at their place before heading home. On Sunday my son brought me a plant as he has done this for many years & always look forward to seeing what he has chosen. I’m sure his wife had a hand in choosing because the flowers are a dark orange & the pot is also orange. This is her favourite colour, lol. I hope you had a nice weekend too. Looking forward to Tuesday & I do hope R will be able to make it…I miss her. Love & HUGS, B

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