Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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  • #858335

    Key Master
    1. #2570310


      Dear Roxy, I wanted to hop in here to see if you have an update for us. Hopefully by now, the doctors have come to the root of your health issue & you are on the road to recovery. A day doesn’t go by without me thinking of you. And I can’t wait for the three of us to meet in the Kinzville Park as I really miss being with you girls. I’ve been trying to be busy working on berry rooms but just don’t have it in me to do them. I did, however, purchase 3 Summer Super Mystery Bags & have yet to deal with the new furnishings. All is stored for now :( Take care, BIG BIG HUGS, love B

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    2. #2569430


      Hi, B and F…Just a quick update to let you know that I didn’t end up going to the hospital on Friday, as planned because I thought I had finally turned a corner and was maybe starting to get better when the nausea seemed to subside on Friday and Saturday of last week; however, it came back on Sunday and the throwing up has been getting steadily worse, so I’m headed to the ER once again this afternoon and will likely be in the hospital through the end of the week. Will post an update when I’m finally back home. I’m current on everything in Webkinz so far, including being fortunate enough to have gotten all the new Goo-Goo Berry and Polarberry prizes from Berry Fest, so I don’t think I’ll miss anything while I’m gone. Thank you both so very much for your love, caring, and support…You’ll never know how much that truly means to me! Lots of Love and HUGE Hugs to You Both, Dear Friends ~ Roxy <3

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      • #2569482


        Dear Roxy, thank you for keeping us posted, but this is not the news I was hoping for;( You must be exhausted from all this. I just hope you can get some help with whatever is going on. I am thinking of you everyday and just sending many prayers and big hugs. Miss you much. Always remember how much we care about you and want you to get better:) Lots of Love F

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    3. #2568768


      Hi, B and F, it’s me again…I left you both messages on Pg. 111 of the “My Want List” forum to thank you for your well wishes and prayers. Just wanted to let you know that, while I felt good (but still weak) after getting home on Thursday evening, by Saturday, my body was back to throwing up again, and it’s been pretty much on a daily basis, despite taking Dramamine tablets each day, which is putting me right back into a dehydrated state, so I’m headed back to the ER tomorrow to at least get my kidney creatinine levels checked again because I don’t want them reaching a level of renal failure again. They may throw me right back in the hospital again for more testing and fluids (the last thing I need is yet a FOURTH hospital bill looming over me, and all this just since February), so just wanted to give you both a heads up, in case you don’t see me on here again for a little while. I’m now on extended Medical Leave of Absence from work, but I’m not getting paid, so I really need this to get resolved as quickly as possible, both medically and financially. Wish me luck, and will keep you updated. Lots of Love, Roxy <3

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      • #2568844


        My dear Roxy, this news just breaks my heart. I was so hopeful after your pervious post that you were doing better and on the road to recovery. I hope with everything I have in me that you can get some help for whatever is going with your body. I am praying for you every day and sending lots of positive thoughts. I feel so helpless and wish I could do something to help. I hate that you are dealing with this. I hope you are not alone and your family has been able to be there for support in whatever way they are able to. Please take care and know that you are always in my thoughts. Biggest Hugs, and Lots and Lots of LOVE, Frankie

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      • #2568968


        Oh geez Roxy…whatever is going on with your body is a very frightening situation, then having to deal with medical bills & unpaid Medical Leave on top of this…I am really sorry you’re going through this. Also, ditto to everything Frankie said. BIG BIG BIG Hugs, Love B

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    4. #2568278


      Hi, B and F…Just wanted to let you know I’ve been really ill and in the hospital for several days this week but am doing MUCH better now and am back home, recovering (see the post I left for everyone on the “Need This Item” forum), so I hope you both have been doing okay and are well. Have really missed getting to talk with you, so let me know if you’re planning to meet this coming Tuesday, and I’ll try my best to join you. Have had a really rough past several weeks, but I think (hope) all that’s finally turning a corner…Anyway, love and miss you both very much, and hope to chat with you next week or whenever you’re available. ~ HUGE HUGS, Roxy <3

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      • #2568346


        HI R and B, R read your post and I am just happy to know you are home and hopefully on the way to a speedy recovery. I hate to think of you going through this type a health scare, and I have been feeling so helpless. Don’t want you to overdo it, but anytime you feel up to chatting I would love too. Don’t know what B has on her schedule, but I am available on the usual day and time:) Let me know if that works for you both or any change if you need too. Biggest Hugs, F

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      • #2568400


        Hi Roxy…I did see your note and posted a message before coming here. I’ve had nothing but issues last week with “please wait” in my accounts which made it difficult to attempt any tasks. Then this weekend it was “Your Login Attempt Timed Out…” in this forum. Not sure if anyone else was affected with this. Anyway, I am so glad you are home & received the treatment needed while in the hospital. It is a good thing you went when you did. As far as Tuesday goes, I am free but how about you let F & I know if you are able to go to Kinzville Park by sending a post. Or we can wait til next week when your health has improved. Oh & before I forget, I bought points to get the Moonberry & Pickleberry Pie Dispensers. Plus I made sure to do the spend promo to get the Jumbleberry Dispenser. Had to break the bank, LOL. Miss our chats too ~ BIG HUGS, B

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        • #2568436


          Hi B, have been having the exact same issue on webkinzs and the forum. Getting the same messages as well. Never sure when I can log in or not? At least you know it is not just you and seems to be a problem for everyone;( Thank you for the new dispenser treats. Very refreshing on a hot summer day. Guess we will wait to hear how R feels about chatting this week, if she feels up to it I would love to hear how she is but for sure want to keep it short, so she doesn’t ware herself down. Big Hugs, F

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    5. #2568164


      Hi my friends, miss you both, and think of you often. Sending lots of love and prayers. Big Hugs, F

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