Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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  • #858335

    Key Master
    1. #2570918


      Hi, B and F…Quick update to let you know that I’m still in the hospital but will likely be home Saturday. Will update you then because it’s hard to type anything on this phone. I wanted to see if one of you could also reach out to cardmaker to let her know because I know she’s been worried too. Lots of love and big hugs, R

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      • #2570988


        Hi Roxy…I can do that for you. We really miss you & look forward to your update. Keep in mind, July 1st is Canada Day & all offices will be closed. Sending virtual hugs, love B

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    2. #2570788


      Thank you B, for the beautiful patio plant. It is so pretty, and I love the colors. I quickly put it in my room so I could see what kind of treat it would dispense. Such a cute item. I love the other treats you sent as well. Thank you for thinking of me and putting a smile on my face. Hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend, Lots of Hugs and Love, Frankie;)

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      • #2571030


        Hi frankie…so glad you like your plant. I figured you needed some cheering up with Roxy being ill & being reminded of Mickey while babysitting. Maybe you might reconsider getting another dog after this one goes home??? Just a thought! I too have been feeling down in the dumps & I’m sure it is from missing Roxy as this game is not the same without her involvement. But I will remain positive knowing we will meet in Kinzville Park & continue with our chats. Take care, Hugs B

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        • #2571436


          Thank you B, for posting the note R requested to Cardmaker. I am sure she if relieved to hear something from Roxy as much as we all are. As for another dog… I don’t think that will happen for awhile. I am just so sad missing my little one and I keep calling this one by his name. IT’s a daily reminder of the fact mine is gone. I look forward to the day when the three of us can met up again:) I need some laughs and time with my dear friends. Big Hugs and Lots of Love, Frankie

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    3. #2570532


      Dear Roxy, Thinking of you every day, and missing you. Biggest Hug, Lots of Love and Many, Many Prayers, Frankie

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    4. #2570530


      HI B, nice to hear from you. The weather has been not too bad, thankfully. We are not getting hit as bad as so many other areas in the state. I have family in other areas that have been dealing with terrible flooding;( Sounds like you have had some nasty storms, and terrible what happened to your garden center. It’s so sad when someone loses something they have worked so hard for. Hope they can salvage somethings and rebuild. Thank you for mentioning my room design. I really haven’t felt to happy lately, thinking of Roxy and what’s going on with her. I am trying to be patient waiting for any updates. I know she will when she can, but waiting sure is hard. I am dog sitting for a family member, and maybe that’s another reason I am sad. Makes me miss my little guy and realize what a good boy he was;( This dog is a handful, LOL! It will be a long week….Take care and I did peak at your note to Roxy, HE HE… Big Hugs, Lots of Love, F

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    5. #2570312


      Hey Frankie…how is everything with you? Are you getting all this nasty weather I see on the news? We have had wicked thunderstorms along with plenty of rain. In April, we hired a Garden Nursery to redo the front of our house & recently had 2 companies come in to do Line Locates checking cables underground. Hate to lose tv/wifi services if they dig in the wrong places. All was ready to go except during our last storm, lightning hit the garden centre causing it to burn to the ground. Certainly devastating for the owner & his workers who are now without a job. Haven’t heard from the owner but I am sure he has much to do. So I will give it another week before calling to find out what happens next for us. And before I forget, I did notice you had another room featured not long ago. I do hope you seen it! My apologies for not congratulating you then. Way to go my friend! Take care & you have my permission to read what I posted to Roxy, lol. BIG HUGS, love B

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