Hoppy Little Rocketship

Home Forums The Arcade Hoppy Little Rocketship

This topic contains 273 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  frankie98 2 weeks, 2 days ago.

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  • #858335

    Key Master
    1. #2577528


      Hi B, I read on the forum you were busy and celebrating your daughters big 50 birthday. How exciting and fun. I wish her a wonderful day. Hope you are doing well. I just wanted to check in to see if you needed anything from the tea cup event? Please let me know if you are missing or need anything. Miss you my friend, Big Hug and Lots of Love, F

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    2. #2576816


      Hi B, how are you? I miss chatting with you, and not sure if you have been checking this part of the forum. I keep hoping to see a message from Roxy here, but no luck:( My past few weeks have been very busy with an unexpected out of town trip and more dog sitting. I seem to get more depressed when watching the puppy as it just reminds me of my little guy that I miss so much…I hope we can meet in the park soon for a quick chat. Take care my friend and know I am thinking of you often. Big Hugs and Lots of Love, F

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    3. #2575648


      Another week gone bye, hope you see this Roxy….Miss you! Love and Hugs, F

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    4. #2574956


      Roxy, thinking of you and praying you are ok…Lots of Love and Hugs, F

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