Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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  • #858335

    Key Master
    1. #2650310


      Hello F…how are you doing? I see you have a post waiting to be moderated. Can’t wait to read it!! Love & hugs my friend, B

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    2. #2646150


      Hi F, it was so nice for the both of us to finally have the chance to meet in Kinzville Park. Yes the visit was quick but otherwise, it was really nice to chat with you. I’m not surprised it is taking this long for your home to be repaired. Having an inspection first to evaluate the damage then waiting for contractors to do their job is always a headache. Everything they do is in stages & never fast enough…right!! I pray you do get back into your home soon. No news on Roxy yet & it’s painful not knowing. Not sure if you are doing any room designing but if you are…keep track of items you might need. Take care & looking forward to meeting up in the K park soon. Love & Many Hugs, B

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      • #2646312


        Hi B, I am so glad we finally were able to get together. Sorry it was so quick, but my family has a very scheduled dinner time at 7pm sharp lol,,, I have to follow the rules, or they might kick me out and I don’t have a house right now, so I don’t want to make waves. I am already way over the time I thought I would be staying there, and they have been great. I try to help in any way I can so that I am not too much of a burden. I am so ready to get back to normal and that includes room decorating. I am picking out things for my real house and that is so stressful, much more fun in WW.. I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday, and I pray you have a healthy and happy New Year. I would love to have some word from Roxy, but as time goes by, I feel more and more uneasy, just trying to keep positive and saying prayers. Hope to chat again soon in the park. Biggest Hugs, and Lots of Love, F

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