Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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    Key Master
    1. #2529982


      Roxy and Banana, Sorry for my vanishing act, not sure what happened, but I was kicked out of the park and could not get back on:( It was great chatting with you both even though it was brief. I didn’t get to ask if either of you needed anything. Please let me know if you need anything. Hope you have a great week my friends. Big Hugs Frankie

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      • #2530022


        Oh Frankie!! Here I thought you were just listening then realized you weren’t responding. My next thought it was either you left to wash your hair LOL or as Roxy & I figured you froze. Eventually your pet disappeared. It would be nice to know why you got booted out. Did you log out, enter again to see if it made a difference? At this time I don’t need anything but we were wondering if you were able to get the Haunted Hotel Couch. Take care of yourself, (hugs) bananasbw :D

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        • #2530040


          Hi banana, yesterday wasn’t my hair washing day LOL:) I don’t know why my computer does that but it happens a lot. I did try logging out and back in, but didn’t help. Oh well at least I was able to chat with you a bit and it was great to see you in the park again. We were saving your spot for you:) It’s very thoughtful of you to ask and I did receive the Haunted Hotel Couch I was looking for from our forum friend Sandi, I was so surprised that someone had an extra couch for me. Everyone here is simply the best:) Sending healing prayers to you. Big Hugs Frankie:)

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    2. #2529412


      @Roxy616 I certainly hope I am thanking the right friend surprising me with the Wacky Snake Dispenser. I LOVE IT!! It will definitely be placed in one of the spooky forest theme’s. I truly appreciate you for thinking of me & being so generous. And I feel amazed that you can read my mind because I saw it at the eStore but for some reason, I didn’t go back. Time to get off the computer & rest. Take care! love & hugs, bananas

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      • #2529774


        You’re more than welcome, Bananas, and I hope you enjoy it! Miss you, dear friend, and sending lots of love and good thoughts your way…Let me know if you need anything, and hope you have a restful weekend! BIG HUGS, Roxy <3

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    3. #2529372


      HI there banana:) How are you feeling? How did your visit with your doctor go? Hope things are healing well for you, and you are on the mend. Keep wiggling those fingers and letting your hubby do the all the work. Miss chatting with you and our park visits. I have been thinking about you and praying that you are not in too much discomfort. Let me know if you need anything and remember keep wiggling! lol:) Big Hugs Frankie

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      • #2529410


        Hey Frankie! How am I feeling…lets just say yesterday was the first day I was not at my best emotionally. Guess it was a day to feel sorry for myself although I am much better today. Thank you for thinking of me as it means a lot during this time. My visit went well with the surgeon & his sidekick Shawn, lol. It was Shawn who removed the temporary cast, removed sutures & applied a fibreglass cast. It certainly wasn’t pleasant. Anyway, I hope you are doing the Dex Dangerous Arcade challenge. The prize is awesome. Until next time, take care. love & hugs, bananas

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    4. #2529266


      Hey Roxy…please ignore one of my posts from the 21st regarding the Light Living Armchair. Plans have changed & going a different route with the design. Hope you are having a good week! Take care, (((hugs))) bananas :)

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    5. #2529102


      @roxy616..I guess moderators were busy Friday, I see my posts on the 21st didn’t go through. But that’s okay :) I cannot Thank you enough for sending all those wonderful items on the weekend. Excited I was on Saturday & was really surprised to see more packages on Sunday. There is so much decorating & room designing I want to do but I can only do so much at a time. A new cast I did get on Friday with instructions what or what not to do. Hopefully I’m not repeating myself from the previous messages :0. Fingers are still swollen, so once every hour they need to be wiggled. My hubby has been fantastic now that he has more responsibilities. Tell you the truth, I am actually enjoying being pampered. (not telling him this…shhh) LOL Thank you again for your generosity & if there is anything you need, please let me know. Your forever grateful friend banana. Love & hugs <3<3<3

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