Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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    1. #2532422


      Well banana your spell won’t work on me because I crave any candy 24/7 Halloween or not LOL! Also, I just received the latest update on the Gift Giving for Webkinzs, and it also states that, ” A friend cannot give a gift in return when they have 1) Already sent that friend a gift this week (ex. a very cool Fountian 2) Been sent a gift from another friend that was not their gift in the first place.” Basically, just passed on from the original gift giver. So, to put it in simple terms, your extremely generous and thoughtful offer of a replacement cannot be accepted:) I have sworn an oath, not to break the rules of the Webkinz Gift Guide. HEHEHEHE! Big Big hugs my friend, Frankie

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      • #2532570


        Oh frankie, I decided to get the latest copy on Gift Giving for Webkinz at the Spooky School library. The Librarian informed me I couldn’t & to report to the Headmaster. Off I go while thinking…”what did I do:?” It appears I have been expelled all because I placed a spell on you, LOL Thank you so much the dispenser. Enjoy your weekend designing & eating candy! Love & hugs, bananas Wahahahaha :D

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    2. #2532412


      @Roxy616…To begin, I want to Thank you for the Quirky Cauldron Bed, Couch & the Dorm Wall. It will be fun redecorating the Quirky room & to complete it now that I have the bed. Not much happening this weekend for me so it means more Webkinz time, lol. I have to say I’m pretty sure Frankie & I have come to terms. Thank you for considering us with your extra dispensers. And it is possible we were influenced by the ghosts of Spooky School, lol. Have a great & relaxing weekend! Love & hugs, banana :D

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    3. #2532214


      Hi everyone. This thread loads very nicely. I was able to post on the previous page last night. It moderated this morning. Yahoo! The Trading Forum is misbehaving for me. It is not loading, timing out, eating my posts, and possibly doing an evil witch laugh. Do you have any suggestions? I did leave a post for Roxy616 on Forum/Giveaways, page 395. It was moderated on 10/24 at 908 am. AuntietoEW

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      • #2532308


        I found Safari does not work for me at all. Instead Google Chrome has proven to be much easier. I make sure I am on the main Newz page then will click Login. Not saying it will work 100% of the time, but with patience or should I say a lot of patience, it works. Hope this helps! :D

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      • #2532316


        Hi AuntietoEW, I have the same problem that you have. Always timing out. I wish I could help with a solution. I can definitely hear that evil witch laugh LOL! The only thing I can think is that there are so many posts, thousands, maybe if they clear it? I really have no idea, I just know it is very frustrating. I hope it gets resolved soon. Hope you are having a wonderful fall, and enjoying the events in WW. Frankie98

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    4. #2532062


      Bananas and Frankie, Wanted to give you the names of the Halloween-themed dispensers I was talking about last night so you can see if there may be something you’d like:
      Also have an extra GHOSTLY COTTAGE if either of you could use it…Just let me know! BIG HUGS, Roxy <3

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      • #2532068


        Thank you Roxy for the item names, I do have the super spooky cookie and the vampire zangoz dispensers. I don’t have the Zangoz Red Cat Gumball Dispenser, but do not want to take it if Banana doesn’t have it. Also did you say COTTAGE!!! Music to my ears lol! But also would rather let Banana have if she wants, but IF not I can definitely use it:) Don’t have that one. It was so great to catch up with you and Banana. Miss our time in the park. Is there anything you need? I know you said no last night but if you ever change your mind, just ask, and mine is yours:) Big Big Hugs, Frankie

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      • #2532100


        @Roxy616…It appears I do have most of the dispensers but one & I’m not going to say as I want Frankie to have it. Lips are sealed LOL. And send her your extra cottage to her too as I already have a set. This is must easier to post the names. Have yourself a good week & Thank you for being so generous. Anything you need, please let us know. Love & hugs, banana

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        • #2532208


          Ummm no:) I said it first, to send the Cat Dispenser to Banana if she didn’t have it so…I would love the Cottage since Banana doesn’t need it:) She needs the Cat Dispenser So PLEASE send to her. Look at us to funny,,, NO you take it, No you take it> Roxy don’t get fed up with us:) Banana I would love one of the treats:) Love the thoughts for the school yard and fountain. Might be borrowing some of those ideas:) BIg Hugs Back, Frankie:)

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          • #2532304


            So sorry, Frankie, I sent your package before this moderated, so you’ll have to pass the dispenser on to Bananas if you would like her to have it (although something tells me she will probably just send it right back to you lol)…Anyway, just like the Cowardly Lion from Oz, I’m staying out of this one and will let you work it out amongst yourselves! I would NEVER, in a million years, get fed up with my dear friends, but maybe you can blame the “”You take it…No, YOU take it!” on having been mysteriously influenced by the new Spooky School theme since that’s what you might hear in the school yard…JUST SAYING LOL!!! Love and Hugs to You Both ~ Roxy <3

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            • #2532314


              LOL Roxy! I sent the Red Cat Dispenser to Banana, although, I have to say it is slightly used because I stole a gumball from it:) LOL, I don’t think Banana would mind. I hope she does not return it. I really want her to have it. I am so excited to have the Haunted Cottage. How did I not have this or know about it this???? I am also trilled with the Quirky Caldron items. I think I will use them with the amazing Fountian from Banana. Thank you for being such a sweet and generous dear friend. Big Hugs, Frankie

          • #2532310


            @Frankie98…According to the handbook in chapter 3 page 12596, it says “when an item is given & two people are involved, it automatically goes to the person who has typed in the name of the said item in their post/message”. Aha!!! Looks like you keep it! Sorry Frankie, HEHEHEHEHE!!! Hugs, bananas

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            • #2532342


              Banana my dear friend> Your handbook is the old version, It now states “Whoever types the said name first gets to request who to send it to” Enjoy your slightly used but very cute dispenser from our Sweet friend Roxy. Biggest Hugs Frankie:)

            • #2532348


              One more thing, HEHEHEHEHEHE!!! Back

            • #2532398


              @Frankie98 I don’t quite recall a new version issued…hmmm! But I shall take your word for it :D I’m calling truce & will gladly accept the dispenser, even though it is slightly used, lol. I’m sure Roxy will be glad to see this has been settled. To make amends, I would like to offer you either one of these items…Patio Pumpkin Plant, Cobweb Cotton Candy Dispenser or the Autumn Wacky Dispenser. Check to see which item you don’t have & would like..let me know! Thank you for being such a good friend. Your last comment really made me laugh. Have a great weekend! Love & hugs, bananas P.S. I placed a spell on you…all weekend you shall crave Halloween candy :O

    5. #2532060


      Roxy & Frankie…I could do separate posts but it is easier for me to address you both at the same time for now. And don’t forget to read my post from the 19th :D So glad I was able to join you’s in the Kinzville Park last evening. Your patience is very much appreciated while I type. It’s challenging to look at the keyboard & watch for your notes, all the while missing some of them, lol. Last night I sent a beautiful fountain whicht can be used in any room design & it also rotates. I couldn’t help myself & had to get the Misty Wolf. Then went shopping purchasing Spooky School boxes to create a dorm. I also had to buy the wallpaper & flooring, even though it was a bit expensive. And I love the Spooky Campground. Definitely will be making a few rooms with that theme, lol. Also, I had a problem getting my pet Catherine into the park. She is wearing the Snake Queen Costume, Thank you Roxy, & wanted to show you. She is a vampire kitten so who knows what trouble she got into earlier, lol. (((hugs))) love banana

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      • #2532070


        Well my dear friend Banana, I ADORE the fountain! What a wonderful and generous gift. I have been thinking of getting the wallpaper and flooring for the theme, and now I definitely will. The fountain will be my centerpiece of the room. I have so many items from other themes and events that I can use in the room. You have given me my inspirational start. I’m sorry we missed Catherine, I’ll bet she was sad she could not show off her new outfit. I love mine too! Also thanks to our dear Roxy! Felt like old times last night, missed you both. Hope your therapy goes well and you have a full and speedy recovery. Big Big Hugs, Frankie:)

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        • #2532098


          @Frankie98…yes poor ole Catherine is still sulking, lol. I knew you would love it!! With the courtyard, I made up Cafeteria benches & tables to make it like a hang out for students to study. My fountain is also in the center. Add backpacks, laptops & books. Just an idea but I’m sure you have a plan already. Really enjoyed last night but I can’t promise if next week I’ll be there. Hopefully I can. Love & hugs, banana :D

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