Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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    1. #2543712


      @Roxy616…I do have a Holiday Zingoz Musical Fountain (Santa). Would this be one you had mentioned? I really appreciate you asking :) Thank you very much! And please let me know if there is anything you need. Hugs, bananasbw :D

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    2. #2542084


      @Roxy616…Frankie & I were able to meet in Kinzville Park yesterday evening. We are thinking Tuesday could be a better day to meet there & let us know if this works for you too. While I am here, I just want to say Thank you for the Wacky Candy D’s. I was so thrilled when I opened the package to see these. Your generosity always put a smile in my heart & in others too. I didn’t forget to check out Children of the Candy Corn. Love the wallpaper you chose as it seems your pet /pets thought it was candy corn, lol. And once I enlarged the picture, I could see the mice. Wonder if Frankie noticed them? Hmmm! And before I forget…would you happen to have an extra unwanted Fall Floral Bed? Netg didn’t get one from all the boxes she opened so to save her the trouble of trying to get in this forum, I said I would ask :D Enjoy your week & after today you only have 3 more days til the weekend. Love & hugs, bananas P.S. let us know if you need anything :)

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      • #2542104


        Hi, BANANAS and FRANKIE, So sorry I missed meeting with you yesterday….Have been in bed the past two days with the worst migraine I’ve ever had and just now started to feel some better this afternoon to where I could log on the forum to leave you a message. It’s still not completely gone, and the light from my laptop hurts my eyes, so I just wanted to let you both know why I couldn’t make it to the park. Let’s just plan to meet there next Tuesday evening, same time. Hope you’re both doing well, and talk to you soon!

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        • #2542134


          Roxy, I am so sorry to hear that you have been dealing with your migraine issues;( We missed you but completely understand and wish you didn’t have to deal with those. I have never had them but have heard they are very painful and can be debilitating. Tuesday sounds fine as long as it is good for you. Banana, and I just want to do what works best with your busy work schedule. I hope the rest of the week goes better for you and wanted to ask if you were able to get the NEW Wacky Standee from this weekend? Not sure if you were able to play with your migraine, so just let me know if you would like one:) Big Hugs Frankie:)

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        • #2542136


          No worries missing Monday night. We only stayed for half an hour because I’m thinking we ran out of things to say, lol. Just know I am thinking of you & no need to respond. I pray the migraine has subsided & you are beginning to feel a bit better. BIG hugs, bananas

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      • #2542210


        @bananasbw, Just wanted to let you know that I did happen to have one extra Fall Floral Bed left and have sent it over to netg…Really glad I could help with that; I know all-too well how frustrating those random boxes are, especially when you’re looking for one specific item and you keep getting every item EXCEPT the one you really need. Thanks for letting me know and for always being such a wonderful friend!!! Hugs, Roxy <3

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    3. #2541482


      Not sure what happened, but I got kicked out of the park, and could not get back in…Maybe my outfit was to scary for the cute butterflies I was hanging out with! LOL…Did either of you get kicked out too or was I just the unlucky one? I am so sorry I couldn’t visit longer and chat:( If you where able to continue were you able to come up with a better day for Roxy? Just send me a meeting note if the day is changing:) Otherwise I guess same time same place until we decide what works? Have a wonderful week my friends. Big Hugs Frankie:)

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      • #2541496


        Oh Frankie…we kind of noticed something happened when you just sat there & didn’t engage in our conversation, then you disappeared. I’m thinking it had something to do with your outfit scaring away other pets in KInzville Park, lol. We will wait though for Roxy to say which day works better for her. Have a wonderful week too! And may I suggest to put that halloween costume in storage for now, LOL. Take care, love & hugs, bananas

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      • #2541502


        So sorry you that happened to you, Frankie…Both Bananas and I were able to continue chatting, and neither of us were booted out, but that same thing DID happen to me, too, one time when the three of us were in the middle of a conversation at the park table. Tried and tried to get back there, but had no luck, so there must be some glitch going on with that particular program or something. Very frustrating!!! We didn’t settle on another day yet, but we can talk about it more next week, so let’s just plan to meet same time, same place until we decide. Was planning to ask you yesterday evening if you could use another Blue Velvet Sofa or a Granny’s Cottage (from the Fairytale Forest e-Store theme)? I have an extra of each that I won’t be using, so you’re welcome to one or both, if you’d like to have them. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week, too, dear friend! BIG HUGS, Roxy <3

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        • #2541504


          P. S. Forgot to mention to you both that the latest room design I submitted was featured in the October 30th Halloween showcase (not the latest bunch of designs on Page 1, but the ones featured a week before; last I saw, it was at the bottom of Page 2 on the Newz Blog, but if they add any articles or announcements, it may be on Page 3 by the time you look for it)…It’s called “CHILDREN OF THE CANDY CORN” and features my little Candy Corn Mouse, “Maize,” in her Candy Corn Witch costume. Anyway, just thought I’d let you know!

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          • #2541520


            Banana, and Roxy, glad you were able to finish chatting with each other. I will definitely have to put my outfit away until next Halloween, so I don’t risk getting kicked out again. LOL! Time to get out the Christmas outfits:) Thank you Roxy for letting me know about your room design. I missed that entire group. I love your room. The wallpaper is so cute for your room. I have always wondered how to use that wallpaper and you found the perfect way. Everything in your room goes so well together, the trees, cottage, fence pieces. and the little ghosts. ADORABLE looks just like Candy Corn:) I’m so glad I got to see it! As for the offer of the Blue Velvet Couch and Granny Cottage, I would love the couch for my room. The Granny Cottage. As much as I love that cottage, I have one in my room design already so you should save it for someone who doesn’t have one:) I appreciate you thinking of me and always sharing your extras:) I didn’t get to ask if either of you needed anything? Please let me know if can help:) Big Hugs Frankie:)

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    4. #2541272


      Hi, Frankie…I’ve had the same issue with posting and find it frustrating to the point where I barely try to post any messages on the “I Need This Item” forum anymore. You’re so very welcome for the items, and I hope you enjoy them! Will try to be there to chat with you this evening (and, hopefully, Bananas too, if she’s up to it), and I’m so sorry that I missed either one or both of you last week…Mondays are very hectic for me at work, and by the time I fight quitting-time traffic and run to the store to pick up something for dinner, I usually don’t get home until right before time to meet. Last week I was running late leaving work and getting home, so I ended up being too late for our appointed chat time. Hope you’re doing well, and if you see this, Bananas, I really hope your wrist is getting better each day and healing well for you. Thank you so much, again, for the amazing fountain you sent a few weeks ago…It looks absolutely awesome in my “Dark Shadows” room against a shadowy night background!!! Hope to talk to you both either this evening or very soon…Lots of Love and Hugs, Roxy

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    5. #2540382


      I have had so much trouble trying to post on the other part of the forum, so just wanted to pop by here as it seems to be easier to get through. Banana, I hope you are doing well and your wrist is healing and therapy is helping speed your recovery without to much discomfort. Roxy thank you so much for the gifts. The sunshine bear is so cute and I love the cupcake:) Also all they new Fall items are so pretty, my mind is swirling where to start first. The planters are adorable, and the Green House is stunning! Thank you both for being wonderful and thoughtful friends, and if either of you needs anything, PLEASE let me know:) Hope you both have a lovely weekend and hope to chat soon at the usual time and place. Big Big Hugs Frankie:)

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