~Horse club~

Home Forums Pets – Archives ~Horse club~

This topic contains 37 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  FrostyMustang11 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #790149

    anyone like horses!? If so tell me your favorite: breeds,colors,style of riding,books with horses, and horse movies. And if you need horse advice ask me or go to Stealthstorm’s horse advice forum. Stealthstorm knows a lot about horses and she owns her own horse. (If Stealthstorm or my other friends would like the help they are more then welcome.):D~Dapplegreyhorse

    1. #792508

      Hay Dapple! Congratz on the forum! My fave breed is Paints.colors well i love ALL colors. style of riding i have ridden a little and like both i guess. though i was at a trot already in english and still at a walk with western. books i love The Horse And His Boy, Black Beauty, Animal Ark Series. for movies i like Red Fury, National velvet, Flicka ( the ORIGINAL movie) The Story Of Seabisciut. that is all i know of right now. will let you know when i think of more. ~Texas Girl

    2. #792448


      I really like horses, but, sadly, there’s no way for me to take lessons, as I live in the city. = ( Stealthstorm, your so lucky to have a horse of your own!

    3. #792414


      Hi Dapple!! My dream horse would be a chestnut thoroughbred. My teacher’s used to say I was a natural when I took English riding, but I prefer Western. My favorite gate is the canter. What’s your favorite gate? I know you like grey Arabians lol. See you in WW!! -Missy <3

    4. #792408


      heyy! its me foxstar! lol i dont know very much about horses but i would like to learn. anything you can tell me about them??

    5. #792001

      Yay it posted!!! WELCOME TO MY FIRST HORSE FORUM!!!!!~dapplegreyhorse

      • #794780


        I LOVE the shining coat breed! It’s a pure gold shaded fur! So beautiful!

        • #795264


          I like that movie about a baby circus zebra who get’s lost then cared into a racer.(Forgot the name!)

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