~Horse club~

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This topic contains 37 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  FrostyMustang11 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #790149

    anyone like horses!? If so tell me your favorite: breeds,colors,style of riding,books with horses, and horse movies. And if you need horse advice ask me or go to Stealthstorm’s horse advice forum. Stealthstorm knows a lot about horses and she owns her own horse. (If Stealthstorm or my other friends would like the help they are more then welcome.):D~Dapplegreyhorse

    1. #795693

      Some of those i knew,some i didn’t. do you mind if i reccomend a few animal movies on here???

      • #797116


        Please! I like movies!

        • #797119


          I live in a state capitol but I live in a small state so horses live around our house at a park!

    2. #795189


      Friend Me? Luv horses! They should make signature horses before they retire:(

    3. #794822


      Hay Foxstar! Dapple has given much great info, I will try not to repeat any! :D There are many things to do with horses….Hunter and Jumpers, Foxhunt, Steeplechasing, Polo, Vaulting, Dressage, Western Riding (Cutting, Poles, Barrels, Team Roping…etc.), Carriages. There is even more! A fun fact is the longest living horse was 63 years old!!!! The average life time is from 25-30 years. (Sorry if I repeat Dapple’s stuff, I cannot see what she posted!). Ponies often live longer than full-out horses. But my horse’s breed (Haflinger), average lifespan apparently is up to 40 years!!!! I could have Nashville for 30 more years! Haflingers look like draft horses (Big and stocky, like Clydesdales and Belgians) but they are not considered draft horses or ponies. The most popular horse breed is a Quarter Horse do to their excellent skills in English and western. Horses have 4 gaits, walk trot canter and gallop. But some horse breeds like the Tennessee Walking Horse has different gaits that are very unique. I cannot explain them as you must ride them to know. Dressage is becoming a major type of riding. When my mom was a kid, they didn’t even know what that was! It is now in the Olympics! The most famous dressage horse is Totilas, who scored the highest ever score on a major Dressage test, in the 90′s! You can look him up on YouTube, even if you don’t know much about horses you will find his tests absolutely stunning. The most famous racehorse is Secretariat aka Big Red. He won the Triple Crown…which has not been won ever since. In order to win the Triple Crown, you must win the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont. It is a HUGE honor, the horse that wins all three will go down in history! I think Dapple may have said something about this but the national birthday for racehorses is January 1st (August 1st in Australia!). Racehorses are Thoroughbreds for their speed and stamina. They are normally raced around 2-3, and after that they are considered retired. The estimated population of horses in the world is 75 million! That is a lot of horses! Horses sleep standing because their natural instinct in the wild is to stand so they can easily run away from predators. Horses only lay down about 45 minutes per day. Their feet can fall asleep! An average horses heart weighs 9 pounds and is about the size of a basketball. Secretariats heart was the size of 4 basketballs!!! Horses are measured in hands, which is approximately 4 inches. My horse is 14. 2 hands. :D Well, that’s about all for now! It is 10:30 here! Goodnight! ~Veggie Vet

    4. #794073

      you can take lessons in the city. I do it.~dapplegreyhorse

    5. #794072

      OK, so if y’all were wondering what my Favorite breed, color, and style of riding is….it is Dapple Grey, Arabian mare and Dressage. My favorite books are: High Hurdles series and What about Cimmaron by Laurain Snelling, Keystone stables series by Marsha Hubler, Winnie the horse gentler series, Horse feathers series, and Starlight Animal rescue series all by Dandi Daley Mackall, Running Horse Ridge series by Heather Brooks. My favorite Movies are: Dreamer inspired by a true story, flicka and flicka 2 (the new versions), Racing Stripes, The Young Black Stallion, and a Hallmark move called the” Long Shot”.~Dapplegreyhorse

      • #797125


        I LOVE racing stripes! So nice how he’s recued… Circus to Racer!

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