~Horse club~

Home Forums Pets – Archives ~Horse club~

This topic contains 37 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  FrostyMustang11 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #790149

    anyone like horses!? If so tell me your favorite: breeds,colors,style of riding,books with horses, and horse movies. And if you need horse advice ask me or go to Stealthstorm’s horse advice forum. Stealthstorm knows a lot about horses and she owns her own horse. (If Stealthstorm or my other friends would like the help they are more then welcome.):D~Dapplegreyhorse

    1. #798250


      I ride western I like black Friesian (I have one) I don’t really like books and a series the saddle club and kassuzy its racing stripes XD

    2. #797883

      i am really busy right now, but here is a couple of really awsome horse movies. My Friend Flicka, Thinderhead Son of Flicka, The Story of Seabiscoit, National Velvet, Maricle of the White Stallions, well i suggest looking up Maricle of the White Stallions first because it is a true story.~Horse Lover

    3. #797122

      Kassuzy, the move about the zebra is called “Racing Stripes” it is one of my favs too.~Dapplegreyhorse

    4. #797120

      I don’t mind, Go right ahead Angel.~Dapplegreyhorse

    5. #797115


      I live in a state capital but our city is small so horses live in a state park super close to my house!

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