How Do I Make This Recipe?

Home Forums Ask Questions How Do I Make This Recipe?

This topic contains 178 replies, has 84 voices, and was last updated by  branlopez 7 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #875546
    1. #885069


      What was the final item in the secret recipe from the October Challenge 1. Ophidian Callaloo + 2. Rice Pudding + 3. ______? Is it the Serpentash Squashes? Help!! ♪♫ LadyBeauty ♪♫

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      • #885601


        Yes, you’re right, the 3rd ingredient IS Serpentash Squash

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    2. #883729


      And remember the clues something on a stick, something you only get once a year, and something else.

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    3. #883728


      Maybe something in a bowl-like tomato soup?

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    4. #883454

      Boiled Wyvernackle ideas?

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    5. #882938


      Thanks. I was going to figure it out using the one known ingredient, but I guess boo to me. :(

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      • #883305


        You’re welcome! :) Are you fine with it that I figured it out? Hey, if you want to know any recipes, food or clothing, you should post under my post on page 1. I’m answering everyone, telling what each thing is made out of when they ask. :) Or you could just ask me here. Anyway, being Master Chef, I have to say that I am very glad this forum is up! How many food recipes have you figured out? :D Which ones?

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        • #883483


          I meant A Master Chef!!! LOL!!! Not THE Master Chef!!! LOL!!!!!!!

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        • #883465


          Yeah, that’s cool. I know quite a few recipes, clothing included. We should try to figure out an unsolved recipe!

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        • #883453

          Himmm… How about Boiled Wyvenackle? (Did I spell that right?)

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      • #883584


        Aw I really wanted the badge you get for making an unknown recipe

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