How do you get candy furniture???

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives How do you get candy furniture???

This topic contains 1 reply, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  XxClarinetChicxX 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #779698


    I have been trying to compose a candy room for a while, and all I have is: a Sweet Stuff Sofa, a Gingerbread TV, and a Dessert First Dining Table. How did you get all the furniture? Please help me! -Raindrop

    1. #783963

      Hi Raindrop! I’m Clarinet Chic. ♥ all you have to do is go to the W Shop & there should be some there. Hope i helped :)

    2. #782786


      you go to the w shop

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