I am looking for Chipette Dreses

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives I am looking for Chipette Dreses

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #802412


    I want minimum one chipette dress…Trade for resonabile prizes from webkinz only.We’ll took the prizes from Kinz Post.I will send a friend request! P.S. My user is clariss293

    1. #808506

      Sorry to keep posting on your forum, but I finally found the last chipette dress and sent it to you. Now, you have all three! :D Have fun with your new outfits!

    2. #807981

      I just sent you two of the chipette dresses! :D

    3. #806828

      I’m in the process of looking for the third dress. When I find it, I will send that too.

    4. #806823

      Hi clasriss293! Do you want the pink or the green outfit? I have both. :D Friend me at VBS123 and I’ll send them to you right away if you want them.

    5. #806826

      Oh sorry…I just realized that I accidently misspelled your username in my post. I hope that’s ok.

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