I Need ALL Deluxe Clothing

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I Need ALL Deluxe Clothing

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kaykaywoo15 12 years ago.

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  • #718915


    If someone would like to send me the deluxe clothing I will be willing to send you something in return. I think all of the new items are very cute, and I also understand they are pricey as well! Please let me know if you can help out? Add me: kaykaywoo15 (:

    1. #719134


      I would like to know what you would send me for a neo gothic dress

    2. #719067

      Hey! I would surely send you some! What would you send me back, anything is fine i guess, but if you have any Gem Lamps I would luvvvvv those! THanks! Bye! ~DB954

      • #719145


        I have traded all of my gem lamps, but I do have some clothing if you make some requests I could see what I could do.

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