i need gem lamps!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives i need gem lamps!

This topic contains 26 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  dancer99 12 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #705696


    i need the: Alexandrite Birthstone Gem Lamp

    Ruby Birthstone Gem Lamp

    Topaz Birthstone Gem Lamp
    PLMK! thanks! ~dancer

    1. #705989


      Items for trade: ( two lamps each with an item and a clothing)
      4-wheel ATV
      Enchanted garden fountain
      Golden apple trees
      Log cabin
      Sand castle sofa
      Buried treasure toy box
      Basketball hard-court floor
      Classic gaming room wallpaper
      Victorian garden stone curved paths
      Lime green dresser
      Willows tree

    2. #705988


      Clothing for trade
      Webkinz year 6 party hat
      Busy artist smock
      Seaside sarong
      Pretty plaid gown
      Checkered shirt
      Yellow jumpsuit
      Wool scarf jacket
      Farmer’s wife straw hat
      Tween queen dress
      Magic w face stickers
      I heart u masquerade mask
      Silver tiara
      Fabled top hat
      Wooly moustache
      Dance party dress
      Golden solar pants
      Koala holiday hat
      It’s good to be king dress
      Vampire costume
      Dragon queen robes
      Rad rainbow overalls
      Purple wizard shoes
      Gold vogue vampire belt
      Blue vogue vampire pants
      Purple modern vampire shirt
      Full clown costume
      Funky neon fro
      Bee shoes
      Webkinz hockey helmet
      Sweet treats toque
      Full Fast food waiter outfit
      Sparkly silver suit pants
      Huggy hoodie
      Balloon darts zip up hoodie
      Zangoz slippers
      Holiday night dress
      Red floppy hat
      Charmed boots
      Phantom masks
      Holiday house coat

    3. #705987


      hey guys! heres what id trade for the lamps:

    4. #705894

      i have some… 1. garnet birthstone gemlamp 2. peridot birthstone gemlamp 3.Rose Zircon Birthstone gemlamp 4. >>>Alexandrlite birthstone gemlamp<<< 5. May bithstone gemlamp if you see any lamps you like, PLMK! Enjoy! ~doodlebear954~ :-D

    5. #705764


      i have a ruby lamp. looking for psi. or promo items/clothes PLMK

      • #705829


        Hey dancer! I have the topaz Gem lamp. If you give me your username I can send it to you :) or you can add me at WebkinzLuver2010. PLMK if you need it. Thanks! -WF

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