i need help with the treasure hunt help

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives i need help with the treasure hunt help

This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  miffsoccer8 11 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #769903


    i need help with the treasure hunt i am stuck on the part were it says something like the place your told to never forget

    1. #771141

      Oh Yay thanks

    2. #770659


      thanks alot i just finished it

    3. #770024

      Oh this may be a reference to the reminders section of the pull down bar entitled: Newz Blog. This may or may not be be the answer, I cant remember.

    4. #770023

      I need help as well I am stuck here,: This stop combines fun games with what you use to talk to people you know. I have no idea what this could possibly be. My first thought was that it was the game section of forums but it was not, so then I assumed that it would naturally be contests or maybe even the arcade and neither were the right stop. So if anybody knows the answer to this or what it could possibly be I would be very excited.

      • #770660


        oh that one is moble apps i was stuck on that one too

    5. #770019


      Newz Blog-Reminders. If you need more help with the clues then just ask! I know them all!!!

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