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This topic contains 390 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by bailey101010 12 years, 3 months ago.
July 14, 2012 at 1:26 pm #630736
puppycujo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 01:16 PM
I need new psi within the past two months and new promo. I have TONS to offer so please state what you have and what you are looking for. Thank you!
I am going to get the Alpaca or the Sabrtooth Tiger pet. I might trade the PSI.
July 18, 2012 at 8:42 pm #633813
anyone want this
i have apollo fountain
stardust super bed
monster super bed
pagent princess super bed
harmonious hammock
royal estate bed rare item
seluced garden bench rare
work of art shrubbery rare
big bark clock tower psi
flowing ribbons four bed post valued
blueberry fountain psi
golden stone path deluxe
willows tree
master grill rare
stellar star blaster pet of the month item
detective desk psi
fancy fox counter psi
fortune telling pig psi
dare devil super bed
trading card wall paper
hidden hot spring psi
forest sauna psi
peek a boo pond psi
antique wishing well exclusive
googles pond psi
milk carton fridge psi
fairy high counsel chair
marshmellow seeds 2 psi
candy cane seeds psianybody want any of these items
Posted at 17/07/2012 15:35
Join Date: July 9, 2012
hermanvonrelishi also have ms cowline plush
monkey and monkey dummy
pj plush
tabby von plush
alyssa plush
white tiger plush
sparky plush
roberta plush
nibbles plush
alex plush
molly plush
cowabelle plush
nafaria poster
whimsy dragon poster
sweeties sweets goes in house not food
curio shop gingerbread house
festive place setting
2011 festive tapastry
fabulous fashion panel
poinsetta candles
haunted painting
ring in the box
sunshines suntan lotion
sign of hope
plumpys engagement braclet
winterfest window
honeys honey jar
trading card side table and couch and bed
safe and sound locker
rainbow lawnchair -
July 18, 2012 at 8:33 pm #633808
puppycujo wrote on 2012-07-18 at 08:17 PM
schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-18 at 08:01 PM
I think I can get you green swim. KK?Okay, but before you get it, which would you want for full swim?
cat pants please.
July 18, 2012 at 8:30 pm #633805
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-18 at 08:13 PM
Hi Puppy,
First of all let me say thanks for keeping the items on hold while we figure out a trade, I really appreciate it :D
Trying to think of what would be fair for the t shirt, the plumpy and the rose……5-8000 estore points? I am not all that great with value, I will prob check with a friend too after I see what you say cuz my friend is VERY well versed in values. Would that 5-8 thousand be fair for the 3 things I want?
Also I am a little confused…..are you saying you want director chair, promo estore points for the bed?? or that you are offering that for the bed? sorry the way that sentence was worded was a little confusing lol.U might be mis understanding but you do HAVE the bed right??? I can offer estore points for the bed and then make a trade with jewels myself for the bed or I can send her over here when I find her (she is on sporadically cuz of school) and let you 2 work it out, she has hundreds of pets, tons of promo, tons of sigs, like everythign LOL! :D Let me know your thoguhts :D
NBNB, you’re welcome.
On the t shirt, plumpy any rose, would it be possible to do 9000? Oh and i have a question about the points, do you gift points or do you gift the actual estore item? And are you deluxe?And about the wintergreen candy cane bed, I have the bed myself. Some of my wants include director chair (i can definitely add), promo, and estore points for my bed. Lol sorry about that. I don’t really get the trade with jewels part though, a bit confusing lol sorry.
LMK thanks
puppy -
July 18, 2012 at 8:28 pm #633804
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