Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I NEED NEW PSI AND NEW PROMO

This topic contains 390 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  bailey101010 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #630736

    puppycujo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 01:16 PM

    I need new psi within the past two months and new promo. I have TONS to offer so please state what you have and what you are looking for. Thank you!

    I am going to get the Alpaca or the Sabrtooth Tiger pet. I might trade the PSI.

    1. #634428


      puppycujo wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:18 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-19 at 09:57 PM
      Thanks for being patient with my questions lol, most people are but some get irritated lol I just want to make sure I become as knowledgable as possible for my own “protection” in trading ya know? So, are we ready to do this tonight? I am so excited to get my stuff and send you your points lol but if you’re not ready its ok, I know you were waiting till you got logged on and since you sent a friend request I am pretty sure you got logged on LOLZ but if you are changing your mind or anything please just LMK :D

      No problem! Lol, yes I am ready :D Definitely not changing my mind, sorry its just that i’m watching this tv show xD i’m behind fifty episodes lol. I will send the items right away, oh and just wondering, you don’t have to, but i just noticed I liked something in the estore that would cost me a total of 10000 points, would you happen to have a spare 1000 points? if not, its totally fine.


      I would prefer to keep it at 9000 BUT if you are willing to consider that extra 1000 points as “help” for jewels to get her bed, I will add another 1000 and make it an even 10 :D LOL Sorry I just really really really want jewels to get that darn bed LOLZ :D


    2. #634427


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:15 PM

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:09 PM
      OMG You’ll NEVER guess what trade I just made! I traded a WKN Campkinz item, An egyptian lamp, and a PSI for rockerz leather jacket, groovy solo stage, and Shuts!!!! Must have been getting rid of their account!!

      Cheesy rice that was an AWESOME trade!!!!!!!

      Cheesy Rice?? LOL

    3. #634426


      Does anyone here have an extra rockin’ drum set or groovy solo stage that Puppy DOESN’T want/need?? I really really need them for a room!! I also need two laser light show thing-a-ma-jigs. And maybe a keyboard stage thing….Please please please let me know but please please please please please give Puppy first chance!!

    4. #634422


      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:05 PM

      Blue KC+ room two??


      i am not sure why but I can not go into KC plus….I am gonna see what I can do to figure it out tomorrow but for tonight we are gonna have to try and work a trade on here :( No matter what all the egyptian stuff is on hold for you I promise :D

    5. #634421


      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:12 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:08 PM

      guest112232 wrote on 2012-07-19 at 09:54 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-19 at 09:32 PM

      guest112232 wrote on 2012-07-19 at 09:03 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-14 at 02:58 PM
      Puppy! Oh My Gosh!!!! You’re back on the forums! Oh boy I’ve got a lot of new psi. Oh yeah and just to warn you If CyberMink trys to trade or SEND with U please don’t. She sets up trades by KP sometimes and people lose PRICELESS clothing.!!!!. She never sends what she promesses! It happern to mislev, me, and more people! Anyway heres a list of psi.
      Leon burger
      Pink grey hound
      NEW PSI
      Froo Froo fox on hold
      Rockerz lion
      Cocoa lab
      And some more.

      Hi could I have the rockerez lion I will be willing to trade

      Well what do you have for trade? I also need clothing too. I am picky on it because it’s my last rockerz psi.

      Easter egg glasses, chick dress, webkinz road trip t-shirt, lime coat, fairy or pixie dress, sunflower bonnet, purple sweater, bright spies trench coat, and more

      Sorry But I don’t need any of that stuff right now. Can you give me a list of psi and signature psi?


      You know what I thought it over and I don’t want it anymore but plz list your llist of psi

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