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This topic contains 390 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by bailey101010 12 years, 2 months ago.
July 14, 2012 at 1:26 pm #630736
puppycujo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 01:16 PM
I need new psi within the past two months and new promo. I have TONS to offer so please state what you have and what you are looking for. Thank you!
I am going to get the Alpaca or the Sabrtooth Tiger pet. I might trade the PSI.
July 21, 2012 at 12:14 am #634989
ferretfriend wrote on 2012-07-19 at 08:31 PM
You wouldn’t happen to have some of these holiday items, would you?
ANY old holiday food.
Frightening lightening window
Monster claws door
Haunted organ
Spooky cobweb bed
Haunted dungeon gate
Giant spider dining table
ANY animal costume parts
Spider’s web window
Monster’s lair gate
Or any AP Items?
LMK I have a lot to offer you!! :)
ferretHi Ferret,
I had an extra spooky cobweb bed, sent it your way, enjoy!friendly1
July 20, 2012 at 11:46 pm #634980
schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-20 at 10:46 PM
Yawn….. I’ll stay up just a LITTLE bit longer Nutty. But then I’m going to be going up to my room.
Hey sag
I will make you a list of my birthstone psi in the morning although to sum it up, I have all currently available birthstone psi and I think I still have the aquamarine dresser set but I am not sure :D
July 20, 2012 at 11:41 pm #634979
July 20, 2012 at 11:41 pm #634978
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-20 at 10:08 PM
puppycujo wrote on 2012-07-20 at 09:15 PM
jewels250 wrote on 2012-07-20 at 03:55 PM
puppycujo wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:51 PM
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:31 PM
puppycujo wrote on 2012-07-19 at 10:18 PM
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-19 at 09:57 PM
Thanks for being patient with my questions lol, most people are but some get irritated lol I just want to make sure I become as knowledgable as possible for my own “protection” in trading ya know? So, are we ready to do this tonight? I am so excited to get my stuff and send you your points lol but if you’re not ready its ok, I know you were waiting till you got logged on and since you sent a friend request I am pretty sure you got logged on LOLZ but if you are changing your mind or anything please just LMK :D
NBNo problem! Lol, yes I am ready :D Definitely not changing my mind, sorry its just that i’m watching this tv show xD i’m behind fifty episodes lol. I will send the items right away, oh and just wondering, you don’t have to, but i just noticed I liked something in the estore that would cost me a total of 10000 points, would you happen to have a spare 1000 points? if not, its totally fine.
I would prefer to keep it at 9000 BUT if you are willing to consider that extra 1000 points as “help” for jewels to get her bed, I will add another 1000 and make it an even 10 :D LOL Sorry I just really really really want jewels to get that darn bed LOLZ :D
NBI’ll try my best to work out a trade with jewels lol. Jewels is a great trader, we always work it out some way or another.
pUPPY, if you need VIP items I have the laser thingy and 2 passes I haven’t used yet so you could choose the one (or2) you wanted. I also have the Bulldog Rockerz Psi and Cow Rockerz Psi and of course when the other 2 come out I will have them also if you want one of those. I have lots of people offering on my behalf and others who want to trade for these items but I need to wait for you to decide what you’d like. Do you have an idea yet? Do you have the King Charles Spaniel Sig Psi ? I could do that and the raft ride and shuts? LMK
JEWELSJEWELS: sorry my posts really aren’t going through!! I love all those items, and yes i do need the king charles spaniel psi, but i’m still not sure as its kind of hard to get another bed. Is there another item on your mind that you really want?
Could I offer more estore points on jewels behalf? She wants that bed so badly. I had thought from our conversation last night you were gonna trade it with her for a good offer it is your item so if course it is your right not to but you do have an awful lot of people offering to help her…..so I am sure you could wind up with some pretty nice items ……I will do anything I can to help her….please tell me what I can do she wants that bed so bad and is such a nice friend to me I want to help her so please please please tell me if there is anything I can do to help get the deal done :D Thanks Puppy :D
NB :PNB: That would be great but you don’t have to, I’m sure we can work out a trade one way or another. If jewels wants you to then sure, but jewels said she wants to work it out herself. We’ll see, i’ll try to get it to her eventually. Thanks NB
JEWELS: do you have any other new psi or something cool to add? Thanks
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