I Need Orange Army and Plumpy Glasses! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I Need Orange Army and Plumpy Glasses! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 50 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89258

    <p>Hi Everyone! If you have army or plumpy then PLMKASAP what you want! Thanks! ~+~SAG~+~

    1. #651885


      Goldstar- No your fine you can offer :) I am looking for gemsters, gem psi, estore and signature

      Ferret- I have the cocoa basket bed, autumn paw print window and the arctic window if you need that :D do you still have the WF hat?

    2. #651876


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-16 at 04:45 PM

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-16 at 03:51 PM
      I have army. Offer?

      Ferran you give me a wish list? THX!
      Jumpy- Hey I have the tennis ball swing. Did you have plumpy or army? Well I don;t care if it is army or plumpy. Would you trade me? The tennis ball swing for plumpy or army?


      Sapphire pegasus PSI (Winged piano (REALLY want this) )
      Golden lion tamarin PSI (Rainforest sleeping bag)
      Summer beaver PSI (Warm river spa)
      Brown lab PSI (Cocoa basket bed)
      Black lab PSI (Autumn pawprint window)
      Froofroo fox PSI (Elegant settee)
      Coyote PSI (Canyon crosswalk)
      Signature westie PSI (Enchanted loch)
      Signature hippo PSI (Muddy river raft ride)
      Signature ragdoll PSI (Designer catwalk)
      Watersign waterfall

      That’s mostly it. LMK


    3. #651852


      adama123 wrote on 2012-08-16 at 04:01 PM

      Candy cane seeds
      Golden Glide waterslide
      Rocking wardrobe
      Nutty conveyor belt
      Cocoa basket bed
      Breaching orca pond
      Juniper tree hammock
      Wild Game Gourmet BBQ
      Tennis ball swing
      Jungle cat perch
      Harvest time hammock
      Timeless treasure tv
      Bunny shaped Tv
      Lovely monkey armchair
      Leafy lounger
      Shinin rhino truck
      Tiger Stripe convertible
      Three wishes genie lamp
      Hay bale sofa
      Hidden hot springs
      Ski lodge firplace
      Fluffy white bubble bath
      Golden Honey waterfalls
      Color changing chair
      Cell phone sofa (NGO)
      Suddenly spring trampoline
      Snowy camp site
      VIP booth
      Gumball pit
      Whale sized wardrobe
      Deluxe grooming chair
      Spot of tea slide
      Little lamb bed
      Daring den slide
      Clownfish clown car
      Milk carton fridge
      Strawberry bubble bath
      Luscious Lip leather sofa

      Hi, sorry about bursting in, but I’m interested in our spot of tea slide. If no one wants it, what would you like? LMK :)

    4. #651844

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-16 at 03:51 PM

      I have army. Offer?

      Ferran you give me a wish list? THX!

      Jumpy- Hey I have the tennis ball swing. Did you have plumpy or army? Well I don;t care if it is army or plumpy. Would you trade me? The tennis ball swing for plumpy or army?

    5. #651819


      Hmm the daring den slide and the tennis ball swing are on hold, I can do the water slide, honey falls, and candy cane seeds plus I can throw in the two placemats for plumpy :)

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