Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I NEED PROMO! ~DOODLES3362~

This topic contains 29 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  doodles3362 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #612027

    Ok I have


    Scuba Belt


    Over the Rainbow Ride
    Beetle Bee Helicoper
    Fountain of WOW


    Schnauzer Jalopy
    Ski Lodge Fireplace
    Shell Racer
    Elephants Travel Trunk
    Bagpiper’s Trampoline


    1. #612415

      doodles3362 wrote on 2012-06-05 at 02:42 PM

      sadly, i don’t have any promo cause i think i traded them but here’s the list of all my good clothes:
      -webkinz newz clothes
      -deluxe clothes
      -webkinz kinzstyle SHOP (which is now retired)
      -old and new holiday clothing
      -adventure park clothes
      -a few host clothing
      PS: im not sure yet if all of these are for trade but i listed them anyway
      PS: just wondering ab15243, i am looking for amethyst bed and have been looking forever. could i offer for it? if so, what could i offer?
      And i am not really interested in fountain so you can offer for it

      I liked the wacky nut culd you make sure you dont have any Promo

    2. #612409


      sadly, i don’t have any promo cause i think i traded them but here’s the list of all my good clothes:

      -webkinz newz clothes
      -deluxe clothes
      -webkinz kinzstyle SHOP (which is now retired)
      -old and new holiday clothing
      -adventure park clothes
      -a few host clothing

      PS: im not sure yet if all of these are for trade but i listed them anyway

      PS: just wondering ab15243, i am looking for amethyst bed and have been looking forever. could i offer for it? if so, what could i offer?

      And i am not really interested in fountain so you can offer for it

    3. #612405

      iluvstarbucks wrote on 2012-06-05 at 01:53 PM

      jamessoccer11- Do you happen to need a Promo Burger Costume?

      Ilovestarbucks sorta what were u wanting for it?

      bratzdoll8 What for it?

    4. #612399


      yes it is

    5. #612396

      jamessoccer11- Do you happen to need a Promo Burger Costume?

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