I need Rock Jacket and Hula Flowered Top!! -ferretfriend :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I need Rock Jacket and Hula Flowered Top!! -ferretfriend :)

This topic contains 47 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  ferretfriend 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89645


    <p>PLMK If you have either! Thanks! -ferretfriend :)

    1. #672038


      Hi Ferret!

      I have a few extra Rock jackets so I can just send you one if you still need one, nothing in return required. PLMK


    2. #672029


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-10-06 at 11:01 AM

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-23 at 06:42 PM
      PLMK If you have either! Thanks! -ferretfriend :)

      Ferret- Oh my goodness! Fred won 1st place in lily padz 2!! I was pap with sha. I was playing with my scottish terrier named shaggy.

      Sweet! LOL. I saw you win a tournament in the stadium with Puddles once! Lol

    3. #671715

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-23 at 06:42 PM

      PLMK If you have either! Thanks! -ferretfriend :)

      Ferret- Oh my goodness! Fred won 1st place in lily padz 2!! I was pap with sha. I was playing with my scottish terrier named shaggy.

    4. #671598


      123ABC wrote on 2012-10-05 at 06:49 PM

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-23 at 06:42 PM
      PLMK If you have either! Thanks! -ferretfriend :)

      Hey! I have Rock Jacket, offer?
      Thanks let me know asap!!

      Hey sorry, But I actually now have four of those lol! Now I just need the hula top. Thanks for trying to help though!

    5. #671589


      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-23 at 06:42 PM

      PLMK If you have either! Thanks! -ferretfriend :)

      Hey! I have Rock Jacket, offer?

      Thanks let me know asap!!


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