I need sail clothes, swirl, witch, and estore points! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I need sail clothes, swirl, witch, and estore points! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 19 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Ailuropoda 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #696781

    Hi everyone! I need sail clothes, swirl, and witch. PLMKASAP. THX.

    1. #700497


      Hey SAG. Hmm, What are you looking for, for your sea captain?

    2. #700491


      Yah it’s that one ;)

    3. #700405

      I might need emo. And the bobble bouncer, is it the one that was a promo? I know that there is one called the zingoz zangoz bouncer.

    4. #700337


      I also have a Silver Christmas Tree from 05.

    5. #700334


      Let’s see…Here’s a few things that I have for trade ATM, sorry it’s not much….(Oh and sorry, I traded my extra Swirl, I forgot that you needed it ): ) Emo Jeans, WZ Jeans, Plumpy Glasses, Bobble Bouncer, Frozen Fun Slide (Glacial Fox), Sweetheart Bed (Supposedly rare?), and Sun’s Embrace Bed. PLMK if you might need any of these.

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