I Need Sail Clothing!!!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I Need Sail Clothing!!!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 71 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Windfola 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #647389

    Ah! I didn;t know it posted! Yay! Here is what I can offer for sail clothes……

    Jingle Elf Hat (175,000 to 225,000)
    Jingle Elf Shoes (175,000 to 225,000)
    Emotion Jeans ( I think it is worth 50,000 to 60,000)
    Cat Hat (I don;t think I know the value. And I don;t know if I want to trade it)
    And I might have some more clothes.

    1. #649851


      Sag- I do not want the puppy psi, just the papillion psi and outfit.

    2. #649765

      adama123 wrote on 2012-08-13 at 08:21 PM

      Sag- good news! I finally got brown belt! The thing is, I had to trade my sail hat for it :( anyway, not sure about army. Do you need white or pink ears? Or pink bunny jacket? Also the only psi I need are estore and the estore lovely tree swing.

      Okay=) But I don’t know of I want to trade my rockerz puppy PSI. Tomorrow I might get the rockerz papillon!

    3. #649691


      Sag- good news! I finally got brown belt! The thing is, I had to trade my sail hat for it :( anyway, not sure about army. Do you need white or pink ears? Or pink bunny jacket? Also the only psi I need are estore and the estore lovely tree swing.

    4. #649547

      adama123 wrote on 2012-08-13 at 04:18 PM

      Sag- Have plumpy? Or can you post a list of stuff you can offer?

      Sorry i don;t have plumpy but here is a list of my priceless!

      Girls Sail Shirt (I don;t want to trade it 4 army)
      Sail Dress (I don;t want to trade it 4 army)
      Full Elf
      Emo Jeans (Maybe)
      And if you need any PSI can u please tell me what u need? I have a lot to list!

    5. #649503


      Sag- Have plumpy? Or can you post a list of stuff you can offer?

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