I Need Sail Clothing!!!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I Need Sail Clothing!!!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 71 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Windfola 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #647389

    Ah! I didn;t know it posted! Yay! Here is what I can offer for sail clothes……

    Jingle Elf Hat (175,000 to 225,000)
    Jingle Elf Shoes (175,000 to 225,000)
    Emotion Jeans ( I think it is worth 50,000 to 60,000)
    Cat Hat (I don;t think I know the value. And I don;t know if I want to trade it)
    And I might have some more clothes.

    1. #648597

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-12 at 02:56 PM

      Oh sorry it wasn’t clear SAG. I meant I was going to ask my other friends who own sail dresses if they need anything on your list.
      And I really like your emo jeans, but I’m not sure. I’ll ask ferret (she gave me the dress)

      Fluffy I got the dress!

      Adama- I hope it is okay that I sold the dress… =0….? And Is it okay if I can trade the PJ collie shirt? But I won;t trade the witch hat! Oh would you like to do a random trade now or later today?…?

    2. #648579


      Sag- welcome! I was searching all over for anyone who needed wacky for which! Anyway, sorry I could not make it but I hope you are happy :D also, sail dress is about emo jeans and you traded which and sail cap so they should have added something like plumpy to make it fair. Sorry sag :( I also want to say that I appreciate that you kept the one that I gave you. You are a true friend :)

    3. #648571

      Oh sorry it wasn’t clear SAG. I meant I was going to ask my other friends who own sail dresses if they need anything on your list.
      And I really like your emo jeans, but I’m not sure. I’ll ask ferret (she gave me the dress)

    4. #648567

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-12 at 12:53 PM

      adama123 wrote on 2012-08-12 at 08:48 AM
      Hey Sag :) I see you got your gift :D Now we can BOTH wear which hat!

      Adama- I was shocked! SuperWebkinz Traded me a witch hat yesterday so now I have two! Hey can you meet me in the blue zone now in light blue? Oh and can you bring your spotted leopard? I will bring mine and get the same clothes that your pet has on! I can meet in the collector room…
      Fluffy- What do you mean? You need to ask your friend if u can trade the dress?

      Fluffy- Never Mind. I just got the dress!

      Adama- Was this a good trade?

      Me-Round Sail cap and my spare witch hat.

      GreenEarthPup- Sail dress. I think witch was worth a LITTLE bit more. But I like the dress. Oh and I won;t trade the witch hat u gave me=).

    5. #648467

      adama123 wrote on 2012-08-12 at 08:48 AM

      Hey Sag :) I see you got your gift :D Now we can BOTH wear which hat!

      Adama- I was shocked! SuperWebkinz Traded me a witch hat yesterday so now I have two! Hey can you meet me in the blue zone now in light blue? Oh and can you bring your spotted leopard? I will bring mine and get the same clothes that your pet has on! I can meet in the collector room…

      Fluffy- What do you mean? You need to ask your friend if u can trade the dress?

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