I need three farm fresh cabbages

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I need three farm fresh cabbages

This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  forest85 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #737784


    I have lots of other farm fresh stuff if you want me to send it to you. My cabbage never grows and it is holding up two challenges for me- let me know what you need and I will send it if you can send me some cabbage! Crissy135

    1. #738474


      Yah Im on the first wizard challenge too but its SO hard! There is no way Im gonna grow 20 pumkins.I just cant mess up my backyard. :P

    2. #737862


      I will send mine! :D

      • #738372


        I don’t need them but thank you and let me know if you need anything! I am not sure if we are webkinz friends though

    3. #737921


      For the earth day challenge u have to harvest three cabages.It takes 9 days for them to grow.But if u like I can send some over.

      • #738221


        Thanks for the info. They finally grew but they did take longer than my other plants. I am growing 20 pumpkins now for it!

    4. #737837


      Momofredhairboys-I sent you some stuff from my garden. What do you know about a golden pharoah or tomb kind of refrigerator? I went to sell it and they were going to give me almost 5000 kinzcash for it and I do not even know how I got it. Is it rare or something?  thanks you are super nice and a cool webkinz friend

      • #737975

        Its a very valuable piece of furniture from the Egyptian theme from Arte’s it pretty valuable so I suggest you hang on to it a while :)

        • #737993


          Hi crissy, your item is retired and you should hold onto it, if you can. I have lots of extra Egyption and seldom trade or gift it. The room is really cool, if you want to see it LMK. BTW who is leaving all the “tags” for me? TTYL DF

          • #738189


            Thanks for the info. I guess someone on this thread added the tag:) I removed it when I replied- I see people do it all the time….

    5. #737819

      I can send them tomorrow. I already sold my extra from today.

      • #737826


        Hi crissy, are you sure you don’t need to plant and harvest ? I think you might for the earth day challenge. Not sure, but I have two left, and will send soon. DF

        • #738021


          I did but they would not harvest as fast as my other garden plants. Momofredhairboys sent me some but thanks for letting me know! I have lots of other harvested veggies if anyone needs some

        • #738017


          I am pretty sure u have to grow and harvest them for it to count on your challenge. They are rather slow growing. I think mine took about a week. Good luck! You are a good friend! xotzel

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