I Need Zodiac Costumes!~Angel

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I Need Zodiac Costumes!~Angel

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  momofredheadboys 11 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #791178

    I have the Zodiac Earth Costume and i would really like the others. tell me your offers and i will tell you mine. I have some interesting stuff that you just might like! ~Texas Girl

    1. #795096

      Sorry, I don’t have the Fire Shoes to complete your outfit. ~MORHB~

    2. #793919

      Hey Mom, thanks for the outfits! especialy for the fire one. i tried like 2 times to find Leo and all i got was the wall thingy and when it said congratulations it said cancer crab instead so thanks alot for it. what do you want in return??????? ~John3:16

      • #797727

        If you want to check out my forum called “Trading PSF’s” and see if you have any I’m looking for, that will work. If you don’t have any, that’s fine, nothing else is needed. Enjoy! ~mom~

    3. #793924

      i have some extras just let me know which ones u need :)

    4. #793448

      I am sending the Water outfit. I also have a couple pieces of the Fire outfit, but not all of it. I can send those to you too. ~MORHB~

    5. #792506


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