If we want it lets go get it!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives If we want it lets go get it!

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  LambTyler 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #784509


    earlier today I realized if ganz knows that so many users want something then there is a much better chance they’ll give it to us!!! My idea… we all think together on things we would like different or things we all want in webkinz world. when we have decided on, oh lets say, 1-5 things we all go to questions/comments on webkinz and on comments/suggestions we all tell them about what we would like! they will see how many people want it, and we can hope ganz will realize so many people would love for it to happen so they will make it happen. if you like this idea and want to join in make sure to comment that you want to join in and your ideas or you agreeing with other people!!! my ideas: all the games in the arcade are for EVERYONE, and wheel of wow, wishing well 2, spree, and jumbleberry fields are every 6 hours instead of once a day!!! I know this could take a while but… IF WE WANT IT LETS GO GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can do this, everybody!

    1. #785456


      It would! Pippa3090!!!

    2. #785479


      @pippa3090 I like the gymnastics theme idea too! And I totally understand why you don’t love the arcade idea!

    3. #785082


      Oooh! I want to join! I really like the six hour thing in between the daily games!~Stay Chilly and Pretty Like a Lily

      • #786499


        I think the every six hours idea is cool, but the point of these games (wheel of wow, wishing well etc.) are that they are our dallies which means we play them once a day. And I don’t think Ganz will be changing that, no matter how many people want it. Also with the deluxe games they aren’t going to unchanged that because they are trying to convince people to become deluxe so they can make money. But I am sure they would listen to new pet and room theme ideas so those would be great!! I think a nice new theme would be maybe a neon themes or a Victorian theme with lots of fountains or something like that. ~Lamb♥Tyler~

    4. #785118


      Idk about the arcade game thing (I’m deluxe) but I think the wheel of wow every 6 hours is awesome!

    5. #785127


      I think a gymnastics theme would also be really cool.

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