Is this worth anything?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Is this worth anything?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  alpineleopard 11 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #737748

    I have an Adventure Cloud Dress and hat and wanted to know is it worth anything?

    1. #737870


      idk if it is but i’d be willing to trade clothing for it tho

      • #738388

        Could you please post a small list of clothing for trade thanks :) <3 alpineleopard

    2. #737930

      Hi Dog Fish!!! I have missed you!!!!  Hope to see you at my party on Monday!!! I want to invite friendly, too. Can she post her UN for me so I can invite her??? I am saving her a spot. TTYS!!!! Sis

    3. #737928


      Yes, it is worthy.

    4. #737920

      it’s fine I have a pair already thanks so much though :) But do you have an extra alexandrite lamp I need one to complete my collection :)

    5. #737827


      Need the shoes? I have tons of that stuff, PLMK DF

      • #737917


        Hey DF by any chance do you have the wings? I have been trying to get ahold of a pair…..PLMK:D

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