Kinzcash Help Needed!

Home Forums Questions – Archives Kinzcash Help Needed!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  chillylily 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #760481


    I am very low on Kinzcash lately, so I need your help! Please give me advice on how to earn quick Kinzcash!

    1. #762075


      find a cool game! you will love doing it and raise kinscash at the same time. i recomend polar plunge,goobers lab,or any zingos game! they are fun and addicting. i found out that cash cow brings in a lot of cash but in my opinion is very boring. another thing is do you have any objects you can live without? sell them! some things are worth more than you think.

    2. #761554


      send all 7 hosts(example: Arte Fact, Mrs. Cowoline,etc.) 1 plain letter each every day and sell the stuff they send 2 u. do Quizzy’s and tournament arena and webkinz stadium(only if u have a good chance at winning) and grow your own garden so u don’t have 2 buy food and do wacky logout carnival. u can also earn moneyz on webkinz newz 2 buy kc 4 your webkinz account

    3. #761568


      WEBKINZ NEWZ playing there helps get cash that can be sent to Webkinz, The FUN section there is QUIZZIES where you can get kinz cash sent back food helps. Sounds strange but a large garden you an sell the food to help get more I have a 4 room garden to do this. Sell the things you collect several of who needs a lot of w sand ramps or folding chairs you can buy later if you really need them. GOOD LUCK.

    4. #761611

      Play the lern and earn on Parents club. This earns coins to sell at the W-shop

    5. #760705

      Do wishing well 2 wheel of wow employment office sell things you don’t need. Hope this helped do daily things ;)

      • #761382

        go to the curio shop. You go to gem hunt if you find a gem arte sells it for kinzcash :)

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