Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives LET'S SOLVE THE NEON TUTU!!!!

This topic contains 112 replies, has 57 voices, and was last updated by  JaneOfAllTrades 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #680984


    Here is a couple….

    Kinville academy skirt + black vest and polka dot pj bottoms.
    tiara and black vest and powder blue skirt

    These are all fails

    1. #861197

      Hey guys, even though Plumpy said “A blast from the past” Doesn’t mean the BB is for sure in it. She also said it would dazzle your Webkinz but the ruby red slippers aren’t in it. It’s possible that the BV is in it, but we could just be on a wild goose chase. I looked it up and couldn’t find the recipe yet. Someone had the recipe(I think) But you had to download a certain thing to use their website. There were only a few comments but it said stuff like “It works!” and “thanks for that!” I think it was the recipe but I can’t be sure.

    2. #860757


      I have 7000 kc that I am going to dedicate to this and will try to post all my fails.

    3. #860755


      Guys, THE FLORESCENT FLIP FLOPS ARE NOT IN IT! I’m 100% sure the black vest is. also from looking at some other comments on the internet, neither is the retro rainbow belt, rainbow pants, and rainbow boots.

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