Let’s Trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Let’s Trade

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  momofredheadboys 11 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #802746

    Trade List: Psf: Batikka Masala Bright ‘n’ early breakfast Bueno Bone Burritos Bull’s Eye Biscuits Doddle Noodles Garlicky Gazelle Tenderloin Glam Hors D’oeuvres Icecream Cupcakes Marzipan Bone Pokey Porridge Roasted Mousemallows Savory Swamp Stew Sea Sponge Cake Snowflake Frosted Cookies Sugar Plum Drops Sticky Spider Cider Succulent Sweet Sushi Tuna Caramel Corn Zebra Dog I’ll Post more later EmiliaGG

    1. #806841

      dogfish i was young and stupid to ask but thanks to morhb i have the 50 kc coins i never have seen the they are better than trophies

    2. #804260

      Clothing: Pink Festive Fleece Pajama Top and Bottom, Wheel of Yum Shirt, Cave Explorer Boots,

    3. #804241

      btw my user is EmiliaGG

    4. #804226

      well i am looking for trophies so if you have any it will cost me 120

    5. #802973

      I am interested in the Bright n’ Early Breakfast, Sea Sponge Cake, and Zebra Dog. My UN is momofredheadboys. I can either send a PSF list or something to help cover the cost of the 3 PSF. LMK. ~MORHB~

      • #804901

        Sorry, I no longer need any of these. Good luck with trading. ~MORHB~

        • #805299

          i sent them already so

          • #805641

            OK, so do you have a wish list I can send some things you are looking for? I don’t have any trophies. Or I can just send something that will cover the cost of the food you sent me. LMK. ~MORHB~

            • #806004

              something to cover the cost please and why are you so nice

            • #806006


              Hey mom, trophy for PSF, not a great idea. LOL Hope you could use what I sent, I am awful at sending those foods. LMK what you need, DF

            • #806936

              @ queen. I sent you some KC coins. That should cover the cost of the food you sent me. If not, let me know and I will send another. I try to be nice because it brings good karma my way. It is too exhausting to be mean and sneaky. @ DF. Thanks for sending me the PSF’s. Any will work, if I already have it, I will just pass it on to someone else who collects them, eventually, lol. I am not looking for anything at the moment. I am going to try and find my trading forum and update that here in the next few weeks. Probably once the boys go back to school. Have a great weekend everyone! ~MORHB~

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