Looking for cat hat, cat feet, and full swim!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for cat hat, cat feet, and full swim!

This topic contains 49 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  OceanStar 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #91838


    <p>I have these for trade:<br />
    Sail dress<br />
    Full ketchup<br />
    Brown belt<br />
    Pink gem car<br />
    Acorn car<br />
    Anyone interested?

    1. #686446


      Oh sorry I just got cat hat, I need cat feet and full swim or elf.

    2. #686381


      I have the cat hat I was wondering if you have any estore points?

    3. #686357


      Poobearz- Thank you so much. That is very sweet :)
      Starlight- I will add you. Maybe we can trade later today!

    4. #686308

      Hi adama i have cat feet and full elf if you still need i can meet in trading room anytime between 5-8 at night webkinz time and we can maybe make a deal. my user is starlightzones PLMK

    5. #686268


      adama123 wrote on 2012-12-02 at 03:07 PM

      Poobearz- Thank you for the trade too! I was surprised I did not think that someone would just send melody. I thought that was really nice of you especially since I did not know we were going to send! Lol Thanks again!

      There are only a few people I would send Melody to. Those are ones I’ve either traded with on priceless trades before or ones I see are trust worthy. I wasn’t worried about you, I knew you’d send your side :)

      Glad you liked it. Hope we can trade again soon.

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