Looking For Clothes, By Laughable921

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For Clothes, By Laughable921

This topic contains 12 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  janeneongreen 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #721368


    Hey everyone! I’m looking for these certain clothing pieces. If you have them let me know which ones and what you would like for them. Thanks! If there’s a ** by it. That means it’s an item I really want! Big Purple Bow Belt **
    City Chic Boots*
    City Chic Top *
    City Chic Sunglasses*
    City Chic Bottoms*
    Green Cat ear Toque *****
    GW Layered Skirt **
    GW Spring Fedora *
    Holly Jolly Sweater
    Maroon Sweater Dress ***
    Maroon Argyle Sweater
    Movie Star White Dress
    Pink Tam *****
    Turquoise Ruffled Skirt ****
    Classic Movie Studio Director’s Beret ***

    1. #721468

      sorry don’t have those. good luck with you search though!

    2. #721395

      Hi laughable. I sent over the Purple Bow Belt, sorry, that was the only item I had off your list. Enjoy!

      • #721512


        Thank you so much for that! If you need something better for it LMK. As what I sent back is definitely not the same value!

        • #721574

          No problem. Oh no, I wasn’t looking for anything in return! Honestly you didn’t need to send anything, but thanks for what you did send. Have a great day, and I hope you find all of the other items on your list!

    3. #721394


      Oh! And do you have any Deluxe monthly clothing items? I think almost all of the items on your list were from last year and were won from WKN, so I think it’s worth a bit. So, I’d like a few pieces of Deluxe monthly clothing, or couple of PSIs or so. :)

    4. #721389


      Hi, I have Green Cat Hat, Big Purple Bow Belt, Turquoise Ruffled Skirt, GW Spring Fedora, Pink Tam, and possibly Holly Jolly sweater. JLMK! (My UN is same as here, if you want to trade.)

      • #721540


        Here’s a quick list of some items I have. I don’t need the Big Purple Bow belt or the Holly Jolly Sweater anymore. But anyways if you don’t like/need these. LMK I might have more. Love Pond
        Day outdoors Bathtub
        Lovely Monkey Armchair
        Lovely Stained Glass Window
        Mini Wind Turbine

    5. #721385

      I have an extra cat ear torque, I don’t really know what I want for it though.

      • #721542


        I’m not sure what to offer for it. Any ideas what your looking for. Don’t ask for priceless or promo BTW. Don’t have any of that for trade. LOL. Well LMK!

        • #721714

          Hey, do you have the mummy wrap headpiece or the nafaria slippers from peak a news? Let me know if you do or if that is asking to much.

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