Looking For Estore Points!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For Estore Points!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years ago.

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  • #705750

    Hi there, I would love to trade for estore points so I can save up for my first pet! I offer alot. DQ00

    1. #706592

      AIW, I do not have shuts anymore, sorry! I gave them as a gift (again) lol. DQ00

      • #706930

        DQ- No worries lol. I’m interested in your Gourmet Cupcake Maker, but I see you’re wanting 6,000 pts. for it, which is a little out of my price range. The other items I have already, my apologies. LMK if you find anything else or change your mind about the Maple Moose PSI, thanks!

        • #707758


          Hi WW, I do have an extra, look for me tomorrow. We can work something out for sure. It doesn’t need to be points, if you want to hang onto yours. DF

          • #707860

            Thanks for checking, DF. Since I did offer the points to DQ first, I wouldn’t want to trade them away, hope you understand! I know there’s little you need, but I’ll look for you tomorrow and perhaps we can work something out? Thanks so much!

            • #708063


              Hi WW, NP with the points. I seldom need them anyway. If DQ wants to trade her side table, I could help her get to her goal. It takes many trades to get to the price of a pet. WW, do you have a trade list anywhere? TTYL DF

    2. #706591

      Hi there! I would like at least 6,000, please LMK! DQ00

    3. #706340

      I luv your gourmet cupcake maker! How many points do you want? (I don’t have that many)

    4. #705910

      Hi DQ. I have around 4,000 points I’m not in particular need of currently. Was wondering if there were specific items you might trade for this amount, if you’re interested? LMK, thanks!

      • #706210

        Hi AIW! I would love to trade for those points, but I do not have burger, I gave it as a gift. But heres my other stuff! Rockerz Cow Flower Power Dress, Gilttering Silver Dress, Rockstar Sunglasses, Peridot Side and Coffee Table PSI and Gourmet Cupcake Maker (Candy Kinz Maple Moose PSI). LMK! DQ00

    5. #705763

      Finally! I might have a chance this time. DQOO

    6. #707537

      Okay, thanks DF! LMK if you do happen to have that PSI, I’d definitely be interested in it. Thanks!

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