Looking For Estore Points!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For Estore Points!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years ago.

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  • #705750

    Hi there, I would love to trade for estore points so I can save up for my first pet! I offer alot. DQ00

    1. #707539

      DQ- I’m still undecided on it. I don’t mean to keep you waiting. Just debating whether or not to trade my extra points…Thanks for being so patient. I’ll LYK soon. Thanks!

    2. #707214

      @deluxequeen! Oh really? I can afford that! Um…. I can’t remember where the transfer button is! So I will tell you when I have found it! Oh and what is your UN? Can you please send first? I am cutie2970.

      • #707350

        LoveWebkinzGirl: Sorry, I can’t send first, I’ve been scammed to much. I’m not saying I don’t trust you, I just never traded with you before. AIW: Ok great, just LMK when you decide! DQ00

    3. #707179

      DQ, Alright, just let me mull it over for a bit. I’d probably be more inclined to go for the PSI. I’ll LYK soon, thanks!

    4. #707038

      DQ- Sorry, I didn’t forget, I just haven’t had a lot of time to be on the forums as of late. Its no problem about the Cupcake Maker, I understand. :) I am somewhat interested in your Snow Queen Robe and/or Springtime Celebration Bunny PSI. LMK, thanks.

      • #707053

        Either one is fine with me, just LMK! DQ00 :)

    5. #706937

      Ok AIW, here’s my current list: Peridot Side & Coffee Table PSI, Snow Queen Robe, July 4th Hat, Freeworld Rocking Pants, Sleepwalking Hat & Springtime Celebration Bunny PSI (estore.) I wanted to let you know, that the Gourmet Cupcake Maker (Candy Kinz Maple Moose PSI) is on hold for LoveWebkinzForeverGirl. I thought you forgot about this forum, so I am holding the PSI for LWFG, sorry! I also have Black & Chocolate Lab PSI if you want one of those. Please LMK! DQ00

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