Looking For Estore Points!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For Estore Points!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years ago.

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  • #705750

    Hi there, I would love to trade for estore points so I can save up for my first pet! I offer alot. DQ00

    1. #708668

      DELUXEQUEEN! YAY! oh i can’ belie yur still here! where do i begin?how ya doin latley? getting good trades? i don’t h any e-store points. (wouldn’tknow how trade’m anyways) but maybe we cantrade for someing else do you have ay promo? PMKSNOL!

    2. #708514

      AliceInWonderLand: That’s fine! I was wondering, do you still need the Gourmet Cupcake Maker? I don’t know LoveWebkinzGirlForever or whatever her user is, very well and I’m not sure I can trust her. So if you’d like to trade the Cupcake Maker for your 4,000 points, I would love that! If not, that’s fine too :) DQ00

      • #708587


        Hi WW, feel free to do that trade with DQ, I can always find a good home for my cupcake maker. NP. It will sure be easier for you, anywway. LOL Hey DQ my offer for your side table still stands, unless you want to trade the tables as a set. I ended up with an odd piece of that set, so only need the side table. J:MK DF PS lovewebkinzrgirl is trustworthy and very nice.

        • #708763

          DQ- I’m thinking I may get the Cupcake Maker from DF, I believe we have something worked out. But you can always just LMK when and if you pick up some new items. My offer still stands to hold onto the points for you. :) Thanks. DF- Would you love to still complete our trade. I replied to you on my forum. Thank you for understanding and being patient with me! :)

        • #708807

          Hi dogfish! I don’t think I ever saw your offer for my Peridot Side table, could you tell me what it is? Thanks! DQ00

    3. #708512

      Hi sisterleah, That would be fine! Please add me at Angel118576, can you please send first? Just LMK! DQ00

    4. #708153

      Hi DQ00. I am very interested in your Ice Queen Robe. Do you still have it?? and if yes, would 4000 points be enough?? Thank you!!

    5. #707862

      DQ- I’ve decided I don’t particularly need that PSI currently, but I will definitely hold on to the points for you if you’d like. I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out sooner or later. Thanks (:

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