Looking for full cat!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for full cat!

This topic contains 50 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  candypuppy 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #618182

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-06-17 at 02:06 PM

    Hi, I have Wacky (2), Elf shoes, Witch hat (2), Bad fairy cape, Peridot side table, Dire wolf PSI, Candy kinz kangeroo PSI. And more!

    Hi friend! I don’t have it. Do you need anything else?

    1. #627450

      Hey candy puppy! Now I am looking for the cat hat AND THE SHIRT.

    2. #627404


      i have plumpy, rocksters checkers shoes, pink webkinz hoodie, red santa pants , elepant

    3. #627398


      Do u want to trade 3-d glasses 4 wacky jeans?


    4. #627201


      Who has cat shirt?

    5. #627017


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-06 at 04:07 PM

      candypuppy wrote on 2012-07-06 at 03:45 PM
      I now have all cat pieces but shirt. The star * means that you might have to add for it, I’m offering
      Diamond Piano*
      Witch hat*
      Peridot side table,
      Emerald TV,
      Signature beagle PSI,
      Signature pomeranian PSI,
      Candy top,
      Pixie wings,
      Pink belt,
      Gathered top,
      Zum t-shirt,
      and much much more.

      Hey friend! I think spo with Finnick Odair has a cat shirt. Cnan I offrt on the hat?

      Which hat? Anyway Finnick is a good friend of mine like I said, but she does have like every priceless so I don’t know if she’ll like any of my items, but I’ll have to see.

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