Looking for Gold Glittering Dress!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for Gold Glittering Dress!!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 19 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  heart09 12 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #658981

    I have the silver dress but not the gold sorry LMK :)

    1. #659001

      CyberMink wrote on 2012-08-28 at 07:05 PM

      fairylady3162 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 06:56 PM
      its ok :D same

      Hi i have the dress! Can you please post a list of psi? i like sigs, birthstone, and estore. Thanks.

      Cool! Well i have

      Yarn Ball Sofa,

      King of The Jungle Throne

      Beautiful Blush Tread mill

      ^ my PSIs

      Super Beds ( if you have more to trade:

      King of the Castle Bed


      Swan Boat Car

      Valued Items:

      Gas Pump

      Clothing: what do you want?

    2. #658995

      fairylady3162 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 06:04 PM

      Hi! Im looking for a Gold Glittering Dress. I have multiple exclusives and psi’s to trade so just tell me what your looking for and we can arrange a trade! 8D Thank You!

      I’m Also looking for a snow white dress

    3. #658994


      fairylady3162 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 06:56 PM

      its ok :D same

      Hi i have the dress! Can you please post a list of psi? i like sigs, birthstone, and estore. Thanks.

    4. #658984

      its ok :D same

    5. #658981

      I have the silver dress but not the gold sorry LMK :)

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