looking for holiday spirit swing and slide

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives looking for holiday spirit swing and slide

This topic contains 20 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  MidnightFireflies15 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #784767

    hey everyone :) im looking for holiday spirit swing and slide. i would really love to have these cool promos for my christmas room :) unfortunatly the only promos i have for trade are ketchup costume and craving candy hat. here is the rest of my trading list plmk if anyone has these items for trade Watermelon skirt (the estore one from the mystery bag)
    big black boots
    green kinz kringle hat and pants
    scare crow costume
    spring celebration shoes
    Rockerz punk pants
    Rock and roll jumpsuit top
    Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
    Movie star white dresses
    Sleepwalking hat
    Rocker flower power sandals
    Hiphop hoodie
    craving candy hat
    Kinzstyle aqua high belt
    Gleaming gold sandals
    Gathered top

    Winged piano
    Gold safe
    Hot air balloon
    Nafaria’s stained glass window
    Trading card bed
    Fairy high consul thrown
    Strawberry jamming juice box
    2011 tour van
    Lord of the pond thrown
    Gold leaf dinning table
    Googles scrying pond
    Gold leaf armories
    Campkinz pup tent
    cat playground
    Trading card bed
    Saphire lamp post and any wish factory item

    1. #790652

      sorry that posted so many times lol if anyone has these PLMK what u need!! i also have some more items for trade :)

      • #791315


        Hi MNM I have extra swings. Sorry, I didn’t reply sooner, I was at camp all week. Is the aquamarine lamp the Gem PSI? I’ll trade for that if yes. Do you have any rainbow fence pieces? I’ll check for a slide, so hold the cool plumage fan for me, Thanks TTYL DF

        • #792426

          dogfish-omg thank you!!! are u sure uve already done enough for me especially trading that shirt for a gemster that was unbelievable lol! yes it is the psi and i have 1 rainbow fence piece along w/ the rainbow chair and the peacock chair. ill keep them on hold and u tell me when to send. i hope u had fun at camp! thanks for always coming to my webkinz rescue and helping me out with all the things i need! you are an amazing friend and person!!!!! :) you’ve done so much for me i cant thank you enough!!!!

          • #792439


            Hi and thanks for the good trade. I need to find a slide and it’s been a long day. Sorry about the lame extras, I have finally reached a point where I have more estore at that main account. I may need to send a friend request, unless I have you on one of my storage accounts already. TTYL Chloe

            • #792613


              NMN I thought the slide was the summit fox PSI, sorry, I may get some of those big slides soon, and also Becky may have it now. She said she got xmas stuff. I will save one for you if I get some. DF

            • #793430

              thanks its ok dont worry about it :) i think u may have sent me a FR and i accidentally denied it because i was sending my friends marshmallows and stuff and accidentally said no. i liked the extras :) if u cant get a slide thats fine dont stress urself out about it :)

    2. #789493

      does anyone need any of my items?

    3. #789290

      does anyone have the slide or swing :) or need any of my items? i no they arent too awesome lol but if anyone would have the slide or swing and be willing to trade it plmk what u need :)

    4. #789145

      anyone have one :)

    5. #785930

      Here is my new trade list
      Craving candy hat
      Watermelon skirt (the estore one from the mystery bag)
      big black boots
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      spring celebration shoes
      Rockerz punk pants
      Rock and roll jumpsuit top
      Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
      Movie star white dresses
      Sleepwalking hat
      Rocker flower power sandals
      Hiphop hoodie
      Kinzstyle aqua high belt
      Gleaming gold sandals
      Gathered top
      Dj headphones
      Full tie die tux
      Silly skeleton mask
      Brilliant ball gown
      Mummy wrap
      Full candy corn witch
      Music note fedora
      Gleaming gold sandals
      Amanda panda dress

      Winged piano
      Gold safe
      Hot air balloon
      Nafaria’s stained glass window
      Trading card bed
      Fairy high consul thrown
      Strawberry jamming juice box
      2011 tour van
      Lord of the pond thrown
      Gold leaf dinning table
      Googles scrying pond
      Gold leaf armories
      cat playground
      Trading card bed
      Saphire lamp post
      Prehistoric pond
      Animal totem pole
      Aquamarine floor lamp
      Full alice in wonderland except walls and floors
      Hoops of fire
      Chocolate factory machine
      Hearts desire roses
      Forever you rose
      Rainbow beach lounger
      Turtle wadding pool
      Backyard fun tire swing
      Cool breeze plumage fan
      And tons more! I would trade 10 or more of these items for the swing or slide plmk :)

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