Looking For Home made Helicopter or Solar Car Here!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For Home made Helicopter or Solar Car Here!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  cruisingal 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #88787


    <p>If anyone has them for trade please let me know what you want for them. Thanks, Cruisingal

    1. #644849


      I need the Dodo bird Psi and the Sun fox psi.

    2. #644632


      I just posted my above list of items i have for trade. Please let me know if anyone has the helicopter or the solar speedster and what you like from my list. thanks.

    3. #644386


      Trad List Part 2:

      Emerald Gemster Car
      Nutty Conveyor belt
      Green Lava Lamp
      Carefree Cushion
      Detective Desk
      Frantic Frisbee flinger
      Heated hound hot tub
      Ice tower Lookout
      Snowy Camp site
      Chic Wardrobe
      Homemade Carrot Juicer
      Down under Burrow
      Leaping Lemur trampoline
      Hidden Hot spring
      Fancy Fox counter
      Neo Gothic bed
      Bowling alley
      Day outdoors bathtub
      Bag Piper’s Trampoline
      Catnip Canopy Gazebo
      Desert Jumper jeep
      Tiger stripe convertible

    4. #644383


      Here is my list of items I have to offer for either the Helicopter or the Solar speedster:

      Trading List part 1:

      Green santa hat
      Swan dress
      Rainbow butterfly Tank top
      Trading card wizard robe and hat
      Fluffington vest
      Fresh waterfalls
      Harmonious hammock
      Jellybean tree
      Monkey & Monkey banana tree
      Magic 9 ball
      Crystal Croc wading pool
      Sleeping dragon bed
      Caring sights window
      Great outdoors window
      autumn paw print window
      Webkinz Dragster
      Dignified dreams bed
      Jolly Roger Roller
      High Heel Chair
      Cupcake Chair

    5. #644370


      The Home made helicopter is the Dodo bird PSI and the Solar Speedster is the Sun Fox PSI. Please lmk if anyone has them for trade. I will post my list of haves in a little bit. Thanks

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