Looking for Magnificent Iwan Bed and Medieval Dining Table ;)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for Magnificent Iwan Bed and Medieval Dining Table ;)

This topic contains 57 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  MCRmy 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #647378


    MCRmy wrote on 2012-08-10 at 04:03 PM

    I need the Magnificent Iwan Rest Bed, and the Regal Banquet Dining Table,

    i have both…what do u have

    1. #648146


      mislev wrote on 2012-08-10 at 10:26 PM

      MCRmy wrote on 2012-08-10 at 10:14 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-10 at 05:58 PM

      MCRmy wrote on 2012-08-10 at 04:03 PM
      I need the Magnificent Iwan Rest Bed, and the Regal Banquet Dining Table,

      i have both…what do u have

      well i have a lot of things…do you have a category or specific wants?

      i perfer PSIs or adventure park stuff……PLMK

      okay, sorry for late response

      Dining Table (value=3600)
      Rest Bed (value=12,000)

      Cocker Spaniel (bone fridge) valued at 5000
      Hippo (wallowing tub) at 5000
      Pug (Puggy lounger) at 5000
      Koala (Wacky Eucalyptus TV) at 5000
      Old English Sheepdog (Double decker Bus) at 5000
      Yellow Lab (retired, pool) at 60,000
      Bubblegum Cheeky Cat (gumball pit, retired) at 50,000
      Hop Bunny (drum kit) at 50,000
      White terrier (scooter) at 5000
      Yorkie (shaggy couch) at 5000
      and a Lavish Limousine, idk if its a PSI

      its all i can think of, lmk if u find anything or not

    2. #648081


      nutty …no problemo….i don’t that so many times myself in fact yesterday in the clubhouse i told someone i had an extra samuri helmet and i spent several hours looking on 3 accts so positive i had at least 1 extra but couldn’t find it no big deal cause i have 1 for myself but i felt bad for the other person who really really wanted it……brain fog….

      also saw your post about christmas wallpaper and floor since i have a couple of holiday rooms i use the wshop paper and floor that is like candy shop it looks like gingerbread with icing and jellybean trim….looks really cute but if you still want the other paper and floor i think!!!! i have extra…


    3. #647953


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-11 at 01:28 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-11 at 01:09 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-08-11 at 12:50 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-11 at 12:42 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-10 at 10:22 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-10 at 08:39 PM
      Hi there,
      If you and mislev do not work out a trade, I also have the bed and the dining table :D mislev responded first though so I would most assuredly like to wait and see if you guys work out a trade first :P
      PS: Hi mislev :D

      hey nutty….how u doing…still not well….actually went to emgency rm yesterday…..what r u looking for….did u get christmas fireplace and r u now looking foe halloween?

      Hi mislev
      I actually have done a few trades and gotten some Halloween items, my most recent being last night I got the giant spider web (the one with the purple spider) Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well still, I honestly have been really dragging myself lately! Must be something in the air!! I never did get the christmas fireplace lol I kinda gave up hope, now I am on to trying to collect halloween items, I love the holiday room items like crazy….maybe cuz I love Christmas and Halloween period LOL :D I saw your list of things you’re looking for, I have something to send you I just havent gotten to it yet LOL :D

      Hey there Nutty, I have some really exciting news for you! You will never guess what I have for you. O.K. I’ll try and let you guess LOL! It’s not a done deal. I’m still waiting to hear back from the person but I have a really good feeling. By the way, you do have the Xmas fireplace. I gave it to you about a month ago along with the Xmas Grandfather clock and other stuff. Don’t you remember? I said I had sent it and asked if you liked it and you said you had not received it yet (cause I had sent it to myself!) then when you got it you told me how much you loved it.

      Are you serious??? I seriously do not remember that LOL!! I have had horribly time remembering things lately lol!!! I am logging in to webkinz right now and checking my holiday room lol my jaw is gonna hit the floor if I have it LOL!!!! Mislev, if I have it, I am so sorry it was unintentional to tell you I didnt have something that I do LOL I seriously do not remember jewels sending it LOL!!!!! Ok I am logging in real quick I will post back in a minute lol :P

      Hi guys….I sure do have it. I can not believe I didnt remember that LOL! Been tired and in a fog lately with an (obviously) bad memory LOL! Mislev I am so srry I told you I didnt have something that I do, it was not intentional I promise :D Jewels, I am sorry I forgot lol….I have been putting stuff in one room so it is kinda piled in there because I have been waiting to see if anyone has the walls and floors (I have one set but wanna find another to make two rooms) for trade so its kinda packed in there right now lol. Sorry about that you guys!

      No worries. Your memory can’t be any worse than mine, seriously, I’m the biggest bubblehead ever LOL! I’m also looking for the Xmas wall/floor so I’ll keep an eye out for you. TTFN


    4. #647945


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-11 at 01:09 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-08-11 at 12:50 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-11 at 12:42 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-10 at 10:22 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-10 at 08:39 PM
      Hi there,
      If you and mislev do not work out a trade, I also have the bed and the dining table :D mislev responded first though so I would most assuredly like to wait and see if you guys work out a trade first :P
      PS: Hi mislev :D

      hey nutty….how u doing…still not well….actually went to emgency rm yesterday…..what r u looking for….did u get christmas fireplace and r u now looking foe halloween?

      Hi mislev
      I actually have done a few trades and gotten some Halloween items, my most recent being last night I got the giant spider web (the one with the purple spider) Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well still, I honestly have been really dragging myself lately! Must be something in the air!! I never did get the christmas fireplace lol I kinda gave up hope, now I am on to trying to collect halloween items, I love the holiday room items like crazy….maybe cuz I love Christmas and Halloween period LOL :D I saw your list of things you’re looking for, I have something to send you I just havent gotten to it yet LOL :D

      Hey there Nutty, I have some really exciting news for you! You will never guess what I have for you. O.K. I’ll try and let you guess LOL! It’s not a done deal. I’m still waiting to hear back from the person but I have a really good feeling. By the way, you do have the Xmas fireplace. I gave it to you about a month ago along with the Xmas Grandfather clock and other stuff. Don’t you remember? I said I had sent it and asked if you liked it and you said you had not received it yet (cause I had sent it to myself!) then when you got it you told me how much you loved it.

      Are you serious??? I seriously do not remember that LOL!! I have had horribly time remembering things lately lol!!! I am logging in to webkinz right now and checking my holiday room lol my jaw is gonna hit the floor if I have it LOL!!!! Mislev, if I have it, I am so sorry it was unintentional to tell you I didnt have something that I do LOL I seriously do not remember jewels sending it LOL!!!!! Ok I am logging in real quick I will post back in a minute lol :P

      Hi guys….I sure do have it. I can not believe I didnt remember that LOL! Been tired and in a fog lately with an (obviously) bad memory LOL! Mislev I am so srry I told you I didnt have something that I do, it was not intentional I promise :D Jewels, I am sorry I forgot lol….I have been putting stuff in one room so it is kinda piled in there because I have been waiting to see if anyone has the walls and floors (I have one set but wanna find another to make two rooms) for trade so its kinda packed in there right now lol. Sorry about that you guys!

    5. #647929


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-08-11 at 12:50 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-11 at 12:42 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-10 at 10:22 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-10 at 08:39 PM
      Hi there,
      If you and mislev do not work out a trade, I also have the bed and the dining table :D mislev responded first though so I would most assuredly like to wait and see if you guys work out a trade first :P
      PS: Hi mislev :D

      hey nutty….how u doing…still not well….actually went to emgency rm yesterday…..what r u looking for….did u get christmas fireplace and r u now looking foe halloween?

      Hi mislev
      I actually have done a few trades and gotten some Halloween items, my most recent being last night I got the giant spider web (the one with the purple spider) Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well still, I honestly have been really dragging myself lately! Must be something in the air!! I never did get the christmas fireplace lol I kinda gave up hope, now I am on to trying to collect halloween items, I love the holiday room items like crazy….maybe cuz I love Christmas and Halloween period LOL :D I saw your list of things you’re looking for, I have something to send you I just havent gotten to it yet LOL :D

      Hey there Nutty, I have some really exciting news for you! You will never guess what I have for you. O.K. I’ll try and let you guess LOL! It’s not a done deal. I’m still waiting to hear back from the person but I have a really good feeling. By the way, you do have the Xmas fireplace. I gave it to you about a month ago along with the Xmas Grandfather clock and other stuff. Don’t you remember? I said I had sent it and asked if you liked it and you said you had not received it yet (cause I had sent it to myself!) then when you got it you told me how much you loved it.


      Are you serious??? I seriously do not remember that LOL!! I have had horribly time remembering things lately lol!!! I am logging in to webkinz right now and checking my holiday room lol my jaw is gonna hit the floor if I have it LOL!!!! Mislev, if I have it, I am so sorry it was unintentional to tell you I didnt have something that I do LOL I seriously do not remember jewels sending it LOL!!!!! Ok I am logging in real quick I will post back in a minute lol :P


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