Looking For Old Halloween and Christmas Items!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For Old Halloween and Christmas Items!

This topic contains 131 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by  LoveWebkinzForeverGirl 12 years ago.

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  • #91104

    <p>I am mostly looking for furniture but will be interested in almost anything so just lmk! :)

    1. #677103

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-26 at 01:08 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-10-26 at 12:49 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-26 at 12:16 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-10-26 at 10:12 AM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-25 at 10:05 PM
      I never used to fill up really fast either lol….wanna know why….? Took me almost 6 months before I realized (don’t laugh lol) that you get prizes from doing that LOL!!!! :) I can make a more complete list in a short while but what I can think of right now (without going through store rooms lol) is mellow marsh (marshmallow chipmunk), puppy grub tub (Leonburger), amber armchair (red t-rex), ummm freaky forest perch (chesire cat)…I know I have more lol I just can’t think of them lol. Also if there is a pet currently in the estore LMK, as long as it’s a pet I like (lol) I can buy the pet….i seriously love the PSI that I am not even gonna try to spell again LOL! I also have the spot of tea slide if slides are of any interest to you…it’s not estore though it’s signature so I might have to add a bit but I don’t know…Im not great on values lol :) LMK your thoughts :) PS: got your friend request!! Thanks :)

      Sorry, was busy last night, between company and the puppy, got caught up. Anyways, LOL! That’s too funny! Although I’m sure I’m guilty of plenty of those kind of blunders myself. :P Hmm, I would love a more complete list, but I understand if you don’t want to go to all that trouble. There are one or two things you listed that peak my interest so LMK if you’d rather not make that list. Thanks! PS: Thanks for accepting. Always nice to make new WW friends! Especially ones as nice as you! *AIW

      AIW :)
      I totally understand lol! I have my days when I can barely get the dailies done let alone remember to post lol!
      I can absolutely put together a more complete list :) I will likely not be able to do that today I have a super busy day ahead of me :( but I will try and squeeze it in tonight :) keep in mind too that if you see a current estore pet psi that you like, just LMK on that too :) I think we have all made our webbie blunders some people have sold super rare stuff even not knowing what it was and how much it was worth lol I just thought with berries you were supposed to feed them to your pet and you had a chance of getting prizes lol I got a bean bag a bath tub and couple of other things doing that…few months goes by and someone told me and I was like holy cow lol every since then I have made sure to fill fill fill lol…I love that we can choose our prizes and they added new ones :) I play every day, did all the berry clicks so I have filled up a couple times over the past month or 2 lolz :P Thanks by the way, I always try to be nice :D!! You seem super nice too :) Talk to you soon!

      Haha, yeah same here. The outside world can be so distracting LOL. Ok, great thank you. Its not a problem, whenever you get around to making it would be fine. I don’t think I see any particular pet currently…but I will keep that in mind as an option. Yes, I know I’m probably guilty of many of those blunders myself! Well hey, that was a valid assumption LOL. Glad someone was able to help you out in that regard though. :p I love that option as well. I try to play everyday too, but sometimes I get sidetracked from my dailies. Aw, well thank you, I appreciate that. Talk to you later! (Oh before I forget to ask, I saw on another forum that you’re looking for newer PSI? Is that correct? I was just wondering because if so I have the Sig Wild Dog PSI from this month for trade. If not, then my bad LOL. LMK, thanks.) *AIW

      AIW :P
      Yes it certainly can lol!! Yes I thankfully have met some great people on here that have been a great help in answering a lot of questions and helping me out if I am looking for something, that’s why I try to pay it forward lol. I actually would be lightly interested in the Sig Wild Dog psi! I could add some signatures to my list when I get a chance to get it put together….how does that sound? LMK :D

      Yes, it always nice to have a good circle of friends who are willing to help! That’s very kind of you. :) Okay, that sounds good to me. It might be on hold, but I’m not sure yet, so I just wanted to throw it out there. Just depends on which items I need most as to who I trade with, if that makes sense LOL. Looking forward to that list, thanks so much! *AIW

    2. #677088


      i have halloween walls and floors year 2
      i need
      vampiress veil and apple orchard tree lmk if you want to make this trade

    3. #677060


      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-10-26 at 03:18 PM

      spunkygirl wrote on 2012-10-26 at 03:05 PM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-26 at 02:20 PM
      I am gonna send you gem lamps :) saw your post on traders and I have TONS of them lol

      I’m sorry to intrude, but could I have a ruby lamp? I could trade an Alexandrite lamp or an Emerald lamp.

      I can trade u a ruby lamp I would normally give it free, but since it’s my last one I would like to trade if that’s ok. Do u have: anything zum (besides food lol), vampiress costume pieces? Jlmk thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      I’m sorry, but I don’t have those. I have all of the vogue vampire pieces and would trade two of these:
      vogue vampire top
      vogue vampire pants
      gold vampire belt
      modern vampire shirt
      PLMK. Thanks.

    4. #677040

      hey morton hippo, i am interested in both of the items u have. what are u looking for for them? add me on webkinz my user is chocolatechip2478. hope we can trade! :)

    5. #677029


      xboxpab wrote on 2012-10-26 at 11:36 AM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-25 at 04:19 PM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-10-24 at 03:38 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-24 at 03:22 PM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-10-24 at 03:04 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-24 at 02:39 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-10-24 at 09:39 AM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-10-24 at 09:07 AM
      i have year 2 Halloween walls and floors looking for new girl vampire clothes or promo psi

      xbox….i have been looking for yr 2 Halloween wall and floor a long time….right now i dont have any promo or vampiress but is there anything else u r looking for or any particular promo and i can try to get cause i really want want these……
      pleaseeee please hold a set for me….

      Hiya guys, I have year 2 walls and floors and webkinz cares dining set. They trade like level 10\’s though. The dining set is worth more than $30 If you would like to offer, go ahead. LOL Good Luck Trading DF

      my offer for the set
      sweet tooth sofa
      and peg bed
      lmk if this fair for the set

      Thanks for the offer, sadly I have too many of those and they just sit in storage. I have almost every promo, except the swordfish, never really cared for that one. I have a hard time trading, since I don’t need much, so I seldom trade, sorry, DF PS would you take any other promo for your walls/floor, for mislev? Or do you have them all too?

      i have all promo and promo psi
      i need sour gumball seeds will give both for
      new vampiress clothes
      or i can offer you the walls and floors and a peg bed if that works lmk thanks so much

      Thanks for the offer, but I will have to pass. I am hearing the seeds can’t be traded, because of a glitch. If you like I can verifry this and let you know. I also found a swordfish PSI at my storage account. It is not like most level 10, it’s really kinda bland. DF

      here are the items i am looling for i check the guide and values are close enought for me
      my items
      Haunted House Wallpaper 200,000 to 250,000
      Haunted House Flooring 200,000 to 250,000
      items i need
      sword fish psi 125,000 to 150,000
      cares chairs 2x 4000 to 6000
      Orchard Apple Tree 50,000 to 75,000
      Grand Charmling Tree 30,000 to 35,000

      Hi, I have all that you need. I do not however go by guide values where most of those items are concerned. I just got the vampiress costume and it is going to be a rare hard to find item,even though it’s just a parent club ad. I have three sets of the wallpaper and would only trade any of my items for something like chef wallpaper. Another HTF item. Good Luck Trading DF

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