Looking for Priceless Clothes, Sig PSI, and eStore PSI!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for Priceless Clothes, Sig PSI, and eStore PSI!

This topic contains 21 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #669441


    hey i like your sly slide and slips i have pyterdactol psi and sparkly jacket

    1. #669481

      hey there! i would like your sly slide. heres my list!

      E-STORE PSI: polka dot piano, spring melody harp, truck of terror, carefree cushion
      SIG. PSI: water dog falls, (on hold?) cats meow garden, sunny savannah oasis, bamboo chute slide, (on hold?)
      frozen fountain, honey waterfall, and icy artic organ. and i know i have ton of reg. PSI but i forget what they are.
      so PLMKSNOL!

    2. #626424


      _elizabeth_ wrote on 2012-09-27 at 12:48 PM

      I am looking for a bunch of items including: elf hat, elf shoes, witch hat, pumpkin head, full cat, alps rescue station, levitating loveseat, bamboo chute slide, pumpkin carving station, and more, hahah! I have plumpy’s glasses, yellow sneakers, nafaria’s slippers, phlying phoenix runners, full green santa, sly slide, sunny savannah oasis, shutter shades (shuts), rockstar torn jeans (torn), and more! I also can buy any animal at the eStore right now, so if you need their PSI LMK! Thanks! ~Liz~

      hmm, if you like anything i have, do you think you could offer estore points? also, if you do, could you tell me your max offer?

    3. #669460


      hiya! heres what i have!
      3d glasses,
      charm shirt,
      pixie dress,
      red ninja mask,
      rock star bootsa and more.
      doghouse bed?
      starburst’s cloud bed.
      i have more so just lmk!

    4. #669447


      AMM03 wrote on 2012-09-27 at 04:17 PM

      hey i like your sly slide and slips i have pyterdactol psi and sparkly jacket


      Just so you know, the sparkly jacket has been solved so anyone can make it now :D I can post the “ingredients” (lol) if the forum owner would like to make one for themselves :)


    5. #669441


      hey i like your sly slide and slips i have pyterdactol psi and sparkly jacket

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